Recently my mother had a man come to our house to repair something. She got to talking to this man and he was really nice. She told him about how I was recently laid off from my job. This man told my mother that he worked for Leadership Team Development. And that he would love to talk to me about a job. I got home and thought cool a job. First thing I did of course was google, Leadership Team Development. I got quite a few results, but the main questions seemed to be, what is Leadership Team Development and is it a scam. No one seemed to know what it is that they sell. I figured I would just forget about it, but the guy called me. Apparently my mom gave him my number. He was a really great talker. He kept throwing out all these big name, Circuit City, Best Buy, Bass Pro Shops, and all sorts of other big companies. But he never told me what it is that Leadership Team Development sells. I thought that is sounded fishy, kind of like a scam. But, I decided to go ahead and watch the video link he sent me. The video was of very high quality and talked all about what a great company Leadership Team Development was. But yet again the video did not talk about what they sold, just the fact that I would make a ton of money with it. The guy called me back and wanted me to attend a meeting all about Leadership Team Development.I told him that the whole thing sounded like a scam and that I was not interested in attending a meeting. But I decided to do some research and see what it is that Leadership Team Development actually does.
I finally found a few forums discussing the issue. According to these forums. You must attend a seminar all about Leadership Team Development. There will be a really flashy speaker there and he will tell you all about how much money LTD will make you. But they will never really tell you what it is that they sell. Sounds like a Scam. LTD wants you to pay them 200 dollars, then they promise to help you get many more leads that will pay you $200. But apparently you do have to sell something, I'm not really sure what it is though. Apparently a company can not just get paid to recruit more people, that would be a pyramid scheme. So Leadership Team Development does sell products, apparently they are just middle men. Every time I found a forum or blog discussing Leadership Team Development, they all said it was a scam. LTD is a completely legal scam, but still a scam. I use scam as a describing work because technically according to the US government LTD is not a scam.
I also found out that Leadership Team Development is connected with a company called Quixtar. Guess who owns Quixtar, Amway global. According to some yahoo questions, Leadership Team Development is the online version of Amway Global. Amway Global has been accused in the past of being a scam. In fact the US government even looked into them for being a Pyramid Scheme, They where found not guilty because technically they do require people to sell a little bit or they can not recruit. Leadership Team Development sounds really good, at first.
I'm not trying to attack Leadership Team Development or anyone else. I just want to make sure that everyone does there research before the choose to spend money on anything. Be very careful, and always think twice or you mind find yourself the victim of a scam.
Disclaimer: All of the above is opinion.
- Leadership Team Development (1)
- Pyramid Scheme (1)
- Scam (2)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Leadership Team Development Scam
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You need to get your information correct before you post something. I can't speak for your personal experience or the fact that maybe you dealt with someone who either didn't know what they were doing "were new" or someone who was using LTD as a front to get people to give them money.
Not to attack you or your views, but you got your info from bad sources. Forums are just about the worst place to get info on anything because you are getting info from people you dont know who may no absolutly nothing about what they're talking about but just assume a bunch of stuff. On one forum I can find out that a Chevy Malibu (or anyother car) is an absolutley great car and on another I can find out that it is horible and never to buy one.
Leadership Team Development doesn't "sell" anything actually. They are an acredited organization that utilizes the Amway Global system (which is a huge company completely debt free is worth over 8bill does over a billion a year in revenue and is backed by the FTC and BBB). They provide a great way to use the Amway system and teach you how to grow an Amway business. They do provide some audio CD's and some literature (which is completely voluntary) to help you along the way.
To correct some mis-spoken or wrong facts from above in order they are given.
1.LTD doesn't make you money, they help you to build an Amway Global business (great system anyone who wants to can make a great income through it, but it's deffinatley faster if you have help).
2. LTD doesn't sell anything they expose the Amway opportunity and if you were go to the informational seminar instead of just reading about it from people you dont know online you'd find that out. They do provide audio CD's and literature (completly optional) to teach you how to grow your business.
3. You wont pay $200 to LTD to get started. To get started it costs from $150 to $175 to get started with Amway and $25 to get started with LTD. LTD doesn't take the money from you for Amway you register on Amway's site.
4. LTD is completely legal, and it is not a Scam. Everything the $25 to get started and any CD's or Literature that you purchase has a money back guarantee on it and everything is completely voluntary.
The reason why Amway/LTD gets a bad rap is ther are too many people that get involved, dont put for any effort, or very little of it, dont see any success and then determine it was a waste of money and time (even though everything is refundable).
If anyone and I mean anyone were to put forth some good effort and built an Amway business the way that LTD teaches they will succeed, but again unfortunately there there are people who try it and determine that it doesn't work after a week or two (maybe longer) and then go out and blog about it and act like they're an expert.
Why don't you check out the meeting, and stop reading the stuff on the internet the people think that they know? I own an IBO with LTD, distributing products for Amway Global. They are partnered with 1,100 major corporations, you don't have to give anyone $200.00. The goal is to get people to connect the manufactures with the consumers, because 30-80 percent of the profit is eaten up between the middle men. Why don't you check out the Better Business Bureau and the Direct Sales Association, before you start defaming a 9.7 Billion Dollar Company that has been around for more than 50 years !?
ok Anonymous, heres the REAL deal: I just attended a meeting for this company this evening. Within 5 minutes I felt like I was at a cult meeting and any second they were going to ask us to put on a robe and drink some kool-aid. It was a mixture of a terrible speaker who basically drew a literal "pyramid" on a board while explaining this wasnt a pyramid scheme while telling us he was a former NASA engineer who just quit one day without even needing to accept his government retirement because he is a "millionaire" now from this "business". First of all NO ONE doesnt take their government pension. That was mental insult #1. I felt like I stepped into an alternate reality where everyone around me was mindlessly nodding and staring with only breaks for fake out of control laughter at the smallest jokes. The icing on the cake was a mixture of at the end of the hour long mathmatically impossible speech, they had 6 people come to the front of the room and give testimonials. I seriously thought I was listening to robots. These people all showed zero emotion and just gave rehearsed monotone reasons as to why they quit their jobs and joined this. It was frightening. Then I had someone try and recruit me even when I politely declined to take her training material three times, I finally took it and shoved it into my purse so she would quit trying to get me to meet her for coffee to close the deal. Im no stranger to sales, I personally am one of the top in my sales division with a nationwide company, and this meeting was THE creepiest thing I have ever experienced. I went under the presumption it was a nutritional education class and instead was indirectly sitting in on a possible illegal operation. PLEASE dont fall for this. BTW , this may not be legally a pyramid scheme, but I bet if I call my contacts at the FBI and let them know this meeting is going on every Thursday night, they'll be shut down in no time. Actually I think Im going to do just that to help protect those that are victims in this scheme.
"my contacts at the FBI" hahaha yeah right loser
LTD is a scam.
And, a cult of sorts.
Everything I have read on this blog alone, has a simliar "vibe" to it. You know, like the 100 other posts on forums that defend this crappy little company. STRAIGHT out of a brochure.
What a joke. LTD is full of unethical liars.
Quixstar was shut down by the FTC. Because NBC did an expose. They reopened with their loopholes, as Amway Global.
And, any company (LTD) that is willing to partner with a company with no ethics, who lies, and has scammed people out of their money not worth it. And, a joke.
But, they count on the ignorant folks like yourself, to keep their wallets fat. So, I suppose, keep giving them money if you got it to donate. : )
Please tell me that one of you complainers is a lawyer for Barnes and Noble, Bass Pro, Office Depot, etc. Because if you are then maybe you could tell me why they have been in business with Amway Global for years. Seems like the mounds of lawyers for the affiliate companies would check into an alleged 'pyramid scheme'.
Daine gave excellent and extremely accurate information. I'm sorry if Anonymous had a bad experience. I have never heard of anything like that, so I can not relate to your experience. However, just because it wasn't your cup of tea, doesn't mean it is a scam.
Also, "C" - you have the right to your own opinion. But that is all it is - AN OPINION. As are my comments. However, if any of the companies weren't legit, why has the FTC approved them for so many years? If they have no ethics, then why do they have a money back guarentee? If they are such bad companies, why do they recognize and support our troops at every conference? Why do they continue to give away millions of dollars to charities each year?
We are not a group of idiots. We come from a multitude of backgrounds. We are hardworking people who have similar dreams and goals that we are working towards.
The 'joke' is the one the devil plays on people - telling them they they are not good enough for anything. That is the true lie. We are all designed for greatness, but only those who see past the crap and step out of the norm will ever be able to achieve it.
Thanks, Steph
I just have to say, that Amway is a legit business. They were investigated by the government (I believe the news of it appeared on the front page of wall street journal). They were later found to be ok and in fact the report after the investigation actually made a statement that Amway seemed to be a very good business opportunity (that news was buried somewhere in the Wall street Journal).
Anyway, Quixtar came around. And was very bad. My understanding was Quixtar was a branch of people (making alot of money) in Amway looking to find a way to make more money. It quickly became affiliated with Amway, but i do believe that Amway never ownwed or claimed any ownership is Quixtar. I do believe that Quixtar did some unethical things and made promises that it can't deliver on.
I see LTD in the same lite. A group of people looking to capitalize on something good in a new way to make some money. Partly because it is hard to sell Amway straight anymore (not because of the company itself but the bad people doing shady things). In the end they it is just greed I believe. Even if they only charge $25, the people in charge can still stand to make a couple million in just the training material, not to mention the increase of new people in the Amway down-line.
LTD seems to be trying to play it a little safer then Quixtar did. But I fear it to be completely greed driven and like everything else will blow up.
If you want to do Amway, do it. Sign up direct. But you better be good at sales because that is basically what it is. You just bought a franchise and all business comes down to sales. If you aren't good at sales you better be ready to hire people who are (think Down-line). That is all there is to it.
Many IBO's are such a bunch of suckers. They talk about Bass pro and all of the Amway partners. It's great for Amway. You are not Amway. You are an "indepedent" business owner. Bass Pro is not your partner! Amway makes money, most IBO's lose money! That is a fact!
The fact is LTD is a scam, because these so called leaders make most of their profit from the tools (CDs, books, various meetings, web sites, voice mail, etc.), while 99% of the IBOs lose money. Want more details? Visit
Check out this thread as well, it is filled with LTD "leaders" and their "wisdom":
What is Leadership Team Development? Well it’s the brain child of AMWAY (AG) Mogul Larry Winters. He and is down line plus a few others broke away from BWW to form another educational system for people interested in the AG business. I personally belonged to the Gary Newell team.
What does LTD do? Well they sale “educational” tools to help build a “successful” AG business. How much do these tools cost? If you are “serious” about your success you will spend approx $40/mo for CDS, $40/mo for a voicemail/email system , $40-50/mo to attend a weekly meeting, $18/mo for a web office, $125/person (X2 if married) every quarter to attend rallies where your emotions are charged and commitment is renewed. The $125 doesn’t include transportation, food, or lodging. They normally always occur in the Carolinas. Additionally you have to personally move approx $300/mo dollars worth of products through AG monthly. You can do this by retailing; however, the products are grossly overpriced so most people buy them for personal use. The products are decent. However, similar quality can be found in walmart.
As I once did, most of the brainwashed LTD believers will tell you that all of the aforementioned products and services are optional. In fact they are, but there is a catch. The CDs, Books, rallies, etc are carefully designed to create a dependency. Though some of them actually teach technique, most are inspirational. They say things such as anyone who isn’t interested in the business is a loser, LTD is blessed by God, faith in your upline is all you need to succeed, friendships outside of the business are unhealthy, commitment to your real job isn’t necessary, changing jobs for higher pay is foolish, having children before going platinum is foolish. I can go on, and I can back up my claims with the $2k worth of CDs stored in my garage. Also, if you do not subscribe to this tool system you will not get any “help” from your upline. Sure they will give you some attention, but you will not be invited to the real leadership functions (where the good stuff is taught) until you subscribe. It’s a very complicated form of manipulation. They will not publicly embarrass you, but those who are “plugged in” are edified in public, while those who aren’t are not. It is reverse admonishment.
The rallies… They are very large with 10-18K people in auditoriums. They barrage you with music, patriotism, religion, congressmen, sleep deprivation, and may other forms of stimuli indented to refresh your commitment level. The patriot and religious portion is the most disturbing. On one hand they will thank the military, but on the other they will compare themselves to soldiers in a fight for freedom. They will also use what I like to call “priestcraft” to correlate their mission to something divine. Ironically, at one of these rallies that I accepted Christ. It was in my subsequent religious educational quest that I realized how wrong they are.
The tools are optional, yet there is tremendous pressure to buy everything available and to attend every function. Why the pressure? There is a lot of money in it for the higher ups. I am not going to go into the details of the AG rank structure, but for those involved with LTD you have to be platinum before you receive any money from the educational tools. Statistically there is less than 1 platinum for every 100 people in the AG business. That does not imply that 1% of everyone makes it, because there is a 50% turnover yearly.
So why did I get involved? Money! Yet, after 2.5 years, I lost over $18K. The disillusioned will say that it was all deductible. To some degree it was, but most of those people don’t truly understand that deducting $18K from your taxable income does not mean you save $18K.
Now I am tremendously embarrassed for my involvement. I stood before large crowds and lied as I drew the circles. I tried to scam my family, my friends, my church, my coworkers, and others.
I think it's sad that you need to run to the internet and google any opportunity that is given to you. The internet is like the bathroom wall of society. I would sit down at the john and read an etching that says Metallica is terrible. I think Metallica is a pretty good band. Why would you listen to people's opinions that will determine your future?
I spent 12 years in Quixtar/Amway went direct with one big leg and 5 on the side....
LTD does sell stuff....
Larry sells clothes
So they do sell something.
He broke from Bill Britt and opened his own Tool Biz.. Directs used to get $1.00 a tape
Rubies and above got paid to speak at hotel meetings, Rallies, Major functions..
All Amway does is affiliate marketing (which anyone can do) except for their core products..
To think LTD does not sell something is stupid../
By the way you are repeating crap I used to say in 1988 and until I quit in 2000 or so..
The tapes say the same thing over and over and over again... listen to them enough times and you might get brainwashed. Just like all the IBO sheep out there.
I used to be an IBO and have been "off the tapes" for months... believe me, it is a cult!
Speaking of tax deductions.. After 3 years of showing a loss (which was true) the IRS labeled my biz as a hobby and would not allow anymore tax deductions
About 2 1/2 years ago I was sitting in Popeye's by myself, enjoying lunch. A well-dressed, boisterous middle-aged guy apparently singled me out and started asking questions. Now, being at heart polite and honest, I did NOT tell him to fuck off, that his ramblings made no sense, and I let slip that I was looking for a job.
He tried pawning off this energy drink he carried around in his trunk, in his words, "the best selling energy drink on planet universe" (always the same wording, which eventually led me to believe that Planet Universe is an Alticorp owned health club somewhere and that they would get in trouble for claiming it as the best selling energy drink "in the country/world/whatever"). I asked how this could be a top seller if, as he claimed, it wasn't found in stores. "Affiliated marketing," he said (properly called multi-level marketing).
So whatever, eccentric guy but probably harmless. A few months later I get a call from him, inviting me to attend a "plan". With the promise of dinner thrown in afterwards. Well, why not, I wasn't doing anything that night anyway, and free dinner is free. So we go, with the most pathetic couple I've ever seen (met through Facebook while on opposite sides of the country, engaged to be married, both so obviously needy they would settle for ANYBODY).
We drive to a hotel somewhere, guy comes in in nice suit, incoherent semi-motivational speech ensues. Several things didn't quite make sense, but what really set off the alarms was his directive not to use Google or any outside source of information. Also, he never actually used the name of the company, I had to get it off the materials (which were picked up afterward). It was Quixstar. Oh yeah, and dinner? Since by now it's like 8:00 and I'm starving? Denny's. One of three times I have been to one, each time because of very limited options.
So the following week I get another call from the guy. I look up the name of the company, and my suspicions were confirmed. Just another rebranding of Amway. I went, and heard the exact same spiel. This time I could pick out every error:
"Own your own business!"
No, you're optioning a franchise.
"No overhead!"
No, the $50 a month for their special website is the cost of doing business WHICH IS THE DEFINITION OF OVERHEAD!
"Buy from yourself!"
No, you're buying THROUGH yourself and getting a commission, which is not the same thing.
"Most people are too afraid/stupid for this business..."
Or they're too smart to be won over by your vague promises. Nice attempt to appeal to elitism, btw.
"...some people are content to do the minimum..."
Oh boy, here we go.
"...but if you want to really succeed, you'll have to grow your business, pick up sellers, and really work with your mentor."
pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme pyramid scheme
"Companies realize they don't need to spend a lot on advertising or traditional retail..."
So why do they?
"...after all, Murdoch just bought MySpace; you can pick up new sellers easy! Their page will have their name on it!"
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
I also noted that, in a move that's probably wise in secular Democratic Seattle, they didn't mention their parent corporation's ties to the Republican Party, especially the far right wing. Like their donations to various creationist movements.
This is a scam. Avoid it at all costs.
This is for the people defending LTD. Companies like Best Buy and Barnes & Noble are connected through Amway. They are not participating IBO's. This doesn't validate LTD not being a pyramid scheme. Of course multi-billion dollar businesses would want to be connected as direct vendors. It's guaranteed business and money in their pockets. You can be a scam artist and shop at walmart or any other retailer. They will not refuse your business they just want your money. So then everybody claims that Amway has been in business for 50 years and the law said it was legal so it is not a scam. I will say that just shows how deeply involved you're with this company. That seems to be strectching for reasons to believe this program works. The fact is this is a business that is structured to just barely constitute itself ss not being a pyramid "scheme". It's still a "pyramid" with the effect where the guys on top keep getting richer and the guys on the bottom will do all the work and make peanuts. People claim well the guy on the bottom can make as much as the guy on top. While this is true the guy on top will still make money. So you will make more money by working harder, he will make more money while working less. So if he can get 10 hard working people to do all the leg work. Then he will make as much as all of them individually by working 10 times less. The unfortunate part of this business is that it is not so much a scam as it is misleading & manipulating. How can any company say not to look on google to it's members? Then convince them that google is filled with webpages that are just one persons opinions and not facts. I bet walmart wishes it could convince the world the same thing. The fact of the matter is that while a company who is trying to focus itself on the web needs to rethink its business strategy and marketing knowledge if it honestly believes the web is nothing but bad opinions. It is probably the only thing in todays world where people can find out the truth about products while the news is so biased and misleading these days. So before this comment gets flamed for being incorrect by the small group of LTD members who ignored the companys message and went to google...think about this...why do you respond so negatively and defensively about others opinions? If they are wrong and your criticizing them for reading message boards to draw conclusions, then why do you feel the need to educate the world through your messages which ironically just so happen to be posted through message boards? The more defensive and angry you become reading these should awaken you to how brainwashed you have become. Or it could be that you use the internet message boards to recruit??????
I'm an IBO of only 2 months w/ Amway and LTD, so I think I'm in a good position to give an objective opinion. (PS, probably not under LTD methodology but I dont care.)
LTD has a lot of valuable information to teach you -- as a business owner and as a person -- while simultaneously being kind of self-righteous and somewhat intolerant of those who aren't Christian and Republican, even though they claim to accept people of ALL backgrounds.
Something a lot of ppl don't realize is that society itself brainwashes us into thinking the only way to make lots of money is to trade time for money. However, the very tiny percentage of the world that is tremendously wealthy understands a concept called time compounding, and this is the very basis of the pyramid-like structure of the system: yes, the higher up you are, the less work you have to do, but in the end the person who makes the most money from (hypothetical) Joe's business is Joe. Every corporation is set up in a pyramid structure: a CEO at the top with people branching out down from him/her. These are concepts LTD will accurately remind us of -- the info they have to share isn't actually wrong, but will certainly put the AG/LTD set-up in a good light.
Amway products are genuinely of very high quality and leading scientific research. They wouldn't otherwise stand a chance of convincing ppl to transition to their Internet mall if they weren't.
Bottom line, LTD wont be for everyone, but dont make any rash decisions-there are a lot of pros and cons to consider. It's "get rich slow," not quick, so if you do decide to go for it, keep in mind it ain't worth it for the short run b/c you'll end up losing money if you only do if for a couple weeks.
You don't need this company. Useless.
i recently attended a similar meeting. I sat there throughout the entire presentation wondering how this could possibly be legit/legal. I immediately recognized the pyramid scheme structure. I had previously been shown the same internet video many of no doubt have seen. But where is the information? the video is an intersection between deciding which path you are going to take. If you think its for you, many will show up to the info session. many wont. But skipping to the details of the session. It is true that you are trying to recruit more people constantly, this is not how you make money, getting people to purchase the products through you internet mall is. you dont gain any points for recruitment. It is volume based, how much product you move. the rough formula for this is 3 dollars equals 1 point. At the my session the 200 dollar registration was a 50 dollar fee to LTD and a 150 dollar fee to Amway. This is to secure your IBO status, and renewal each year for these is 25 for LTD and 59.XX for Amway. But here is the kicker. I was indormed that I do not even have to pay out of my own pocket for the registration. There is a fastrack option where you begin to recruit people and get the merchandice moving. You get a bonus for getting people to join. bonus meaning incentive. But when you are recruiting some people dont want to go so far as to become an IBO, you can simply register them as merely a consumer. meaning that they have registered for a FREE account attached to YOUR ID number. this allows the flow of transactions to be accounted for. It is a get rich slow process in which you increase your client base. you do not have to recruit everyone as an IBO! this is where it differs from a pyramid scheme. The consumer is paying out the money and not someone paying a registration fee. This is where you get people to become an internet buyer and use your mall. Now when You recruit an IBO, they will inevitably recruit more IBOs and more CONSUMERS. This account is totally free to create! The more volume you move through your chain the more you will make. a 100 point level is the minimum to make any profit. the revenue you generate is 3% of the total sales. the next level is 1000 points. at this level you reap the benefits of 12% return. at about 4600 it is 21%, and at 7500 points it is 25%. This is how your business grows. granted you are not giong to be bringing in 7500 points which comes out to about 21 k in volume a month in your first month. At the rate that they suggest, by the end of a 12 to 18 month period you will be bringing in about, 2-4k a month, depending on hw devoted you are to your network. The more consumers you get the more money you make. the more IBOs you recruit, the more consumers and IBOs they will create, and you get a percentage of that. The Consumer is the Key. With out it it is a pyramid scheme. It is not about recruitment and paying the two hunded dollars. which then brings me back to where you dont have to pay a dime of your own money in order to pay for you registration. the Fast Track. You have 90 days to get recruitments and consumers and All you need to do is recruit three people, and get 50 points from each of them, whcih puts them in the 100 point category. with the three percent and the bonusm you come out with a 420 dollar check your first month, enough to cover your registration for the year.
From there on out it is at your own pace situation. You do not have to recruit new people, if you have consistent buyers you will have a consistent supplemental check of about 400 dollars every month. considering the amount of work that you are doing, its a pretty great deal, and all you are doing is getting paid for moving a companies merchandise. sort of like advertising but through a social business network. On top of that, after pummeling them with questions, there is no penalty for not bringing in enough mechandis, simply no paycheck. no fees, you did not have to buy anything and you owe nothing. Instead of paying all of that profit to Sam Walton, or similar franchised businesses, you are getting a portion of that for redirecting business to these other companies. Then furhter into my questioning i asked how these companies were intertwined with amway. it is simple. They have set up an agreement with each company and determined how much value in points and what commodities are going to be sold. These legal documents must be somewhere otherwise why would such big name companies allow such a scheme and a scam tarnish their records. it is a business plan to redirect the cash to their companies. As many of you probably never stayed around long enough to get the actual scoop, I also discovered that when you log into the account, you sign in at th front door and once inside you have all the links to each company and the id number allows the tracking of purchases. You are redirected to the companies actual webpage. it is not a virtual mall, it is not a cyber construct that you stock with items and have people come purchase.You are just allowing the acces to the sites through amway so they can show the business being gained. In fact some of the stuff may seem over priced at times, but one great advatage is that some of the copanies are into wholesale for products. And if you are an IBO, and You buy through your own site, You are essentially jsut giving yourslef a discount, by getting a portion of it in return at the end fo the month. How many big name companies can you think of? now imagine that 1200 of them were accused of being involved with a scam. What would happen if this were true? But jsut before you thought that this was too much work or time for you, there is a 6 month money back garuntee. You will get you 200 dollars back if you decide that it is not the business for you. I was given a stack of free cds, which i have not gotten around to yet, but they explain how the system works, the mathematics involved and the concept. many of you probably go the first cd and did nothing with it. I so happened to show up for a personal meeting to inquire further into this business.I was given two books, and about 5 cds, and once i was finished with those i was going to get a nother book. I am giong to read thema dn see what they have to say, I like to keep an open mind. I am sure that they contain many lifelong strategies for doing good business. I prbably have more info on this, so post on here if you have any questions. I have onely been exposed for 24 hours to these ideas and concepts, You just gotta ask a lot and the right questions. hit me up if you want to know a little more.
This is amazing how ignorant people can be. The other day I was at the strip club and saw a guy drop over $500 dollars on a stripper. Then I went to work at the mall and started noticing how much money people spend on shoes, clothes and all kind of crap. I have a bar I go to every Tuesday and sometime I drink sometime I don't. Anyhow, this is what I'm getting at. People will go to a bar and waste money, go to the strip club and waste money, but here are all these people complaining about spending $200 dollars on something that's gonna actually make them some money. Amazing!!! I'm not a part of LTD, but I went to a meeting and it made really good sense to me. The way I see it, even by just referring people to the site I can make money. If you have three people trying the products and they tell a few friends about (which is what people do when they try something), those three people may be buy $300 worth of things combined and that's already 100 point from what the guy above said. I just think people waste money all the time, why don't waste it on something that might actually make you some money back.
WOW there are some ignorant stupid people out there. I have been doing this business for a couple of months and it is the best thing I have ever done. Not only does LTD give you great educational tools but the team of people that you get to work with are amazing! They have helped to better me as a person. Positive thinking is a must for me now and I laugh in the face of everyone who says it's a scam. I'll see you on the beach when I retire at the age of 30 (in three years) Or wait....I won't see you cause you'll be at work trading hours for money and I will still be making money when I retire....on the my home, that I built haha
I truly pity all of you who choose to be negative and closed minded. I wish you good luck in whatever your future holds. Never believe everything you read, either on television, newspaper, or the internet. Look how successful Walmart is. They get attacked on a consistent basis. Of course Amway and LTD are going to get the same treatment. In life, the big guys are always having to fend off the smaller, ignorant assholes. This is no different. So again, good luck to you all and I wish you all the best.
wow. so they (amway / quixtar) disappear around 6 years ago to grow overseas due to a largely negative public opinion in the states. Now that they're done in Russia & China they're coming back to the states to push motivational garbage.
I learned 10 years ago not to try to reason with Amway or Quixtar (or now LTD)'s no different than trying to convince a churchgoer that there isn't much God is going to do about their bank account.
Too bad. Lots of good people & families are damaged by this completely B.S. 'business'.
I had several friends get "lost" in Quixtar while in the military. They ended up spending their lives trying to become something and each and every one of them ended up losing money and completely disgusted in themselves. That's a realy world statistic.
Avoid at all costs.
honestly, to all those who doubt LTD, keep going to meetings. it WILL make more sense and you will learn alot. my uplines have helped me throughout the whole process and I've been involved for about a month now. i've already got a check in the mail coming for 100 dollars and next month ill have an even larger check. the process is SIMPLE. and some people try to complicate everything. yes i was skeptical at first, but i think it can be a legit way to make money. i've already proven that.
Just went to a meeting last night. Reminded me of an episode of the Office. I felt exactly the same way many people have stated here. Too good to be true. My "mentor" is going to be calling me tonight, what questions should I ask him to see if he's legit or not?
Read "Merchants of Deception" if you want a full flavor of whatamway is all about. Full text of the book is downloadable for free. It's sad how this cult has ruined so many lives while making so few any money. See Scientology references if you want to underwtnd the LTD, Quixtar, and Amway mindset. You Amway zombies need to look in the miiror and stop blaming outwardly for your own trappings and failing, just like the motivational material says to do. Time will reveal to all who jump on this crazy train that LTD zombies are the most superficial, money worshiping, God-skewed ( in a bad way) snake-oil salesmen you will ever meet in this country. They have a gift for taking everything that is good and wholesome and right about this country and twist it to serve self above everything else. Are you willing to sell your soul for Amwy, the American way? Answer yes and we have a CD to listen to; answer no and you are a looser who is broke, or who will be dead broke. I vote to die even Steven. Stuff me in a Heafty bag and put me out by the curb. Check please, I have lived not as a pyramid slave, but as one who has seen and experienced the promised land!
The reason this company does billions of dollars in sells, is because they convince everyone that signs up to spend a few hundred dollars every month on products. On top of that, they brain wash people into buying cds and wastings money on conferences.
I knew a guy who did this. He graduated high school and tried to recruit me onto the LTD team. Now, I consider these things a joke when I see them. At the time he tried this, I was a junior in college studying International Business Administration. I knew that it was a waste of time as I go to college for this.
I am only making inferences here, but to be recruited by LTD you work as a liasion between LTD and AMWAY. Being recruited on the team grants you the power of becoming an "IBO" or Independent Business Owner. This means you do not legally work for them, you in fact own your own business which as covered by U.S. Federal Law makes your business a sole-proprietorship. 100% personal liability for all your actions. LTD provides you with the connections to AMWAY to sell a product. This is actually an agreement between two businesses.
LTD provides a service to your "IBO" and you provide a service to LTD. Law would classify this a business-relationship between two companies. LTD provides training and the tools necessary to sell through AMWAY as a service to the IBO. In turn a fee is paid to LTD for these services based on a percentage of the product the "IBO" sells.
Sooo, with that said in jest, your IBO is its own business and anyone who you recruit also receives their own IBO. If you recruit somebody as their own IBO and convince them to work under your IBO. It acts as a pyramid scheme, but it isn't since every person who joins becomes an "independent business owner" (aka their own company) and can legally enter into any business agreement with other IBO's working above them, or directly to LTD themselves.
The entire employment recruiting strategy of LTD is how it is marketed and advertised. They will make you money and become your own business owner. These are both true, you can make good money and you can become your own business owner. It is 100% legal but there is no liability on "LTD" since the loophole is very easy to manipulate by granting "a sole proprietorship" to every newly recruited person.
Employment at will also applies in this voluntary bilateral business relationship between the two companies (IBO and LTD).
LTD is a psychological genious at recruiting people. The people they recruit are usually unaware of the legal implications that involve their newly found profession, as that most of the people are not business people to begin with. So, with what they teach them, they will likely do.
This system is misleading, and in my opinion, slightly unethical. It is technically a pyramid in a way, but it is 100% legal. People can be successful so its not completely a scam. People can learn great skills about business in this field. But if the people knew the legal implications of this job and understood how it works, they might be apt to quit.
The best thing LTD has done is to use the 6 min online video to check interest in the industry. Its not designed to sell you on what we do, its design to cehck interest. Some people who use Amway would rather beat you over the head with info for an hour before you can say, I'm not interested....If the video makes sense then you may be invited to sit in an info session to get more info. If you remember, some where in the presentation the speaker ot host will say, 'this is not for everyone, please let us know if you are not interested'. However, there are a lot of people out there with no chance to make more money (if they put in the effort). In your job , whatever you make is all there is! if the info session sparks interest then we can answer questions. There have been a lot of new developments with LTD and how to get people started properly (our opinion) if they will listen to why we do it that way. I originally wasn't interested in making more money when first asked, but you can't beat the lifesyle if you will do the work. Getting time back to spend with my family has been huge.I can develop business while watching my daughter play soccer, my son play baseball!! Although my other alternative would be to get a second job and miss my kid's growing up! Its not for everyone, but thats what the information process finds out. We at LTD are not in the business of 'have to get you'. Good luck in whatever you want to do that makes you happy.
check out
it shows the many,many similiarities between CULTS and what ltd puts you through.
I did ltd for a year, in la crosse, wi. the platinum(nate hahn) showed me a plan at the radisson. it was the worst year of my life. after i was able to quit( a miracle of God really) i was depressed, angry, but am getting my life back on track.oh and the so called friends in teh biz never even called me, except once- to get a list of friends that i knew, phone numbers for my upline to contact. i wouldnt wish this business on my worst enemy.
the changes are subtle at first, but suddenly it just clicks, usually at function, and you are brainwashed- sitting at the feet of your uplines, hanging on their every word-literally- ppl would sit their late at night and hear their uplines talk about nothing,or stupid crap they did, if they told you how relieving their last crap was you would laugh and take notes.
DO NOT sign up- and get out if your in.
and for any one who defends this business to teh death, it is not christianity, it is not God's calling(its a business), and it is not your destiny, and there is over a 99% chance you wont retire.EVERYONE THINKS THESE THINGS ARE FOR THEM, THEY MAKE YOU FEEL AS IF YOU ARE THE 'CHOSEN ONE' MEANT TO GO DIAMOND.
i make money with LTD :) i replaced my wife's income so i dont care about the other details...even if my upline did brainwash me or it is a cult or it is a pyramid scheme or some of the people are weird, its better than my wife getting out of my bed and getting dressed for another man so he can tell her what to do for a third of her life instead of her spending more time with our kids.
PS I worked harder than most people are willing to though. But at least I dont have a hole between my legs like so men who farm their wives off 8 hours a day cuz they are too lazy or stupid enough to take money advice from people who make less money than what they want to make.
Alright first of all you only have to spend the $200 to become and IBO. You can still sell products to your customers and buy products yourself and get a percentage of the revenue for it. You only need the IBO if you want to have people as "recruits" of sorts. I don't know how anyone can "lose" money because you don't have to spend any money at all. If people are losing their money it's their own fault.
everyone who is hating on LTD/Amway are idiots, you all like naming shapes? ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that is organized is a pryamid. this damn country is a pryamid. is our country a pryamid? NO. if your to dumb to figure out how the U.S. is a pryamid i will spell it out for you lets see it goes the president then people below him then below them then oh wait more people below them, it doesnt stop. your dumb. we feed on idiots like you. While we are all sitting back financially free you are still working 9 to 5 jobs. our success is alot better knowing there are people like you who didnt have what it takes to do the work.
Too funny. U shud learn wut LTD team is. Amway is the supplier, LTD is the training nd u r the ibo who has access to these things. Jus like mc Ds, their training is hamburger university nd their supplier is golden state foods. cept for it cost A LOT more
U think tht we r brainwashed, wut do u thnk tht school did to u? told u tht u wouldnt amount to ne thing unless u finished school nd went to college which is over priced nd then u HAVE to buy books which ull only use once. ???? Im just sayn, at least wut we buy frm amway, we use on a daily basis nd we get paid for it....? hmmm...ya
I don't know who you talked with but Leadership Team Development and the Amway Global Corporation are Legit Businesses. I am a Representative of Amway Global and a member of LTD. Amway Global requires by law that you have to sell at least 50 pv worth of customer products in order to be a legitimate business. You do not make any money just by recruiting. I personally work with the multi millionaires that run LTD and they help those who want to run a legitimate business. You need to get your facts straight before you bash a company that is trying to help you succeed. LTD is a valuable partner to the Independent Business Owner of the Amway Global Corporation.
The biggest pyramid scam in the world is your job because you will never make more money than the owner of the company.
I just love that these people always talk about the big money makers that are living in Fiji and lighting their cuban cigars with $100 dollar bills. Any yet you never meet one of them. Did anyone ever go to a meeting or a seminar and actually meet the rich people? No! You meet a couple of people in $200.00 suits who try to get your money and then drive away in their 1994 chevy corsica with one headlight. Give me a break just once I want to meet the guy who is rich, making more money then any of us can comprehend following this business model. Take me to a seminar and show me his or her financial statement and then have them walk me through how they did it. I would listen to that. Proof is in the pudding and Im sick of listening to crap!
Larry Winters went to JAIL for tax evasion. His faux religious uplines Paul Miller and Bill Britt were caught screwing their secretaries. Scumbag liars from top to bottom.
There is a special place in hell for Dream stealers like these people!
Bryan Daniel
Winston Salem, NC
When I first heard about the job from a friend of mine I was thrilled. I mean how often do people just offer up jobs for no reason! Well I said yes and gave her my number to call me about some information. She called to my surprised and began telling me how LTD is looking for people like me. Boy was I glad! Well here's where it gets weird she gave me the web address to check out the video but it took me forever to find the site. So I googled it. All these articles about scams popped up. Red flags definitely went up!!! But whateva people say none sense all the time just look at the tabloids! But anyway I logined in and watched the video, kinda cool I guess, I've seen betta den I starting looking on the web site at their contact and about us page. It was like four sentences on the whole page. So to make a long story short I told the lady I needed to think about my decision to my surprise she didn't get mad! Well all in all I really don't know if the whole thing is a scam or not but even if it's not I still wouldn't be interested because it's not enough information. It is kinda suspicious that you have to go to a meeting to get more info but whateva
100% BULLSHIT...
It is a CULT. They make money, you might make SOME, but the money you spend on all thier "motivational" CRAP will put you in the hole. The BS they feed everyone is enough to make me vomit!
I challenge any person who negates these companies to give a better suggestion. It's easy to not try something and say it doesn't work or it's a scam ect. Well, if you have another vehicle that gets people to freedom share it. I am a real estate investor, Amway/LTD IBO, and I have two jobs with major corporations(pyramids). We all just want free time and abundance in life bottom line. I tend to listen to people like Kiyosaki and Trump who have a greater understanding of business, wealth, and generosity than the broke people around me. Guess what makes sense to these wealthy gentlemen? Network marketing, real estate, and business in general. Can you honestly say you would sit there and tell Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki that network marketing doesn't work or that their stupid? I think the reason some think LTD is a cult is because the IBO's are excited about life, learning, and business in general. This to a person who works with the typical person in a JOB (just over broke) atmosphere looks like a cult. I don't see very many excited people in either of my jobs, but I do when I go to the meetings. I can honestly say that the people are why I joined. We sat down after I attened the meeting and about 5 people showed up. I was shocked that these people were all doing something with their free time instead of drinking at a bar or watching tv (not hating, a little tv and a drink are fine). As for the brainwashing, no matter where you are in life you have been brainwashed. It's not a good or bad thing, it just happens when people raise you a certain way, or you're around a certain invironment. I recognized my broke brainwashing and now I'm purposly brainwashing myself the way I choose. That is the purpose of the cd's and tapes and books. No matter what ventures you decide to take you will need to get your mind right in order to grow. Well, that's enough rambling from me. I've got business to take care of. Good luck to all and to those who are getting their mind right, you won't need luck.
JOB - Just over broke. Cute.
My husband does web design and affiliate sales for porn. He works a few hours out of each day and clears approx $8-10K/month. He works his own hours, for himself, and loves it. And he makes money without selling people shit they don't really need. At least in his line of work, the person spending the money and buying is getting exactly what they were after.
Amway/Quixtar "IBOs" are a whole different story. A person signs up to be an IBO under someone else, with the false promises of all this money to be made, when in reality, their purchasing of the motivational materials, books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, and other literature is what's making the "top guys" their money.
If you want to learn business, do what every other reputable businessperson does and go to college. If it were as easy as listening to crappy tapes and and reading brochures, etc. EVERYONE would do it.
As for the guy who mentioned Donald Trump? Don't defame his name by associating it with the crap practices of Amway/Quixtar. You're ridiculous, to say the least.
For anyone else who needs more information and clarification, Larry Winters is the owner of LTDteam and is/has been directly affiliated with Amway/Quixtar for a number of years. Dateline NBC did an exposé on Amway/Quixtar after a 1-year investigation, if you'd like the FACTS:
I am seeing a bit of a trend here on this blog and that trend is based on the responses from the LTD believers. These folks who whole heartedly believe in this system have, for the most part, one thing in common. Poor grammar and spelling skills. Most of the time you take this with a grain of salt, but post after post on this site is riddled with responders who couldn't spell their way out of the third grade or complete a coherent sentence if someone put a gun to their head.
Why is that?
Is there some truth to the nay sayers and their position that this "business" preys on the simple and weak minded people of this world? Do they feed off of individuals who are easily manipulated by the pretty words of someone who is seemingly in a better place than they? Do they take aim at the "boob" who isn't intelligent enough to ask questions, but can regurgitate the mindless spewings of their perceived betters?
I was approached by someone, a former friend actually, to take part in this "business opportunity" and as I began asking questions about what they are all about, he began to become resistant to my inquiries to the point where he informed me that this wasn't for me. When I asked him why he suddenly had a change of heart, he was unable to give me any reason.
I have conversed with other friends, mutual in nature regarding the above individual, and many of them had distanced themselves from this person because he had become completely enveloped in the "business" and that was the only thing he would bring up in conversation. There was no more light conversation about sports or family, every word that came from this persons mouth was in reference to LTD/Amway.
Has anyone else out there lost a friend to due to this type of behavior?
WoW, you guys have way too much time on your hands. Anyone who bashes another behind the protection of their screen is a coward. And as you sit at home with yourself wasting your life away, you could be working towards your future and actually getting things done with your time rather than insult or individuals or companies. I have met with LTD individuals and the opportunity wasn't for me and they were respectful of my decision which left me with a great inpression of the Company.
To all of you who critic others not to do this, I feel sorry for you that this is the only thing you got going on for you, insulting LTD I mean. And for all the others listening, why don't you be man or woman enough to make your own choices.
A individual who knows how to make his own decisions.
The guy said Trump and Kiyosaki promote network marketing, not that either of them are associated with Quixstar. They do promote the business model, and Trump just launched his own.
oh well, you know what they say, broke people give broke advice.
Oh, and one more point that should be laid to rest. I feel like I'm in a 2nd grade classroom with everyone identifying the pyramid. congratulations! you can recognize shapes. woohoo. Any type of structure that exists today is a pyramid. The federal government, The military, your job, Public Schools, etc. The difference between an illegal pyramid and a legal one, defined by the Federal Trade Commission, is that a legal pyramid focuses on commerce and the exchange of capital for a good or a service, whereas illegal pyramids focus on the recruiting (or stacking)of new members who pay to reimburse your initial recruitment. In an illegal pyramid there is no exchange of goods or services, people just throw their money in a pot for you to take out later. And all that LTD does is give you mentorship and advice to make your own business successful. so you have to pay for the CD's and books if you choose to use them, and someone else makes money off of that. So what? That's how EVERYTHING in a capitalist society works. If I make you bread, you have to pay for it. These people who write books and make CD's have a right to be paid for their efforts as well.
I graduate from college in a few months, and I already make enough so that I won't have to work a conventional job. ever. Are you going to call me brainwashed too? I think it's funny that all of you who speak out against LTD and Amway have to wake up at an hour that you'd rather be asleep, to go to your 9 to 5 so that you can pay for the gas for your car, so you can get to your 9 to 5 tomorrow. And you have the audacity to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing with my life. You know what? I'd much rather live in my "cult-like" state of mind, where I have hope, options, and security, than live in the pessimistic, duldrum grind that you call the real world. All of you big tough guys out there that "LOL" and call this business bullshit can take solice in one thing. Tomorrow, you'll have to get out of bed and go preform for another man, while I'll get to sleep in as late as I want and get to preform for my wife. Have fun with that.
"My husband does web design and affiliate sales for porn. He works a few hours out of each day and clears approx $8-10K/month. He works his own hours, for himself, and loves it. And he makes money without selling people shit they don't really need. At least in his line of work, the person spending the money and buying is getting exactly what they were after."
Huh. That must be reeeeally fulfilling. The cool thing is is that what you've just described is this CRAZY concept called free market capitalism. You say that the people purchasing things from your husband are getting exactly what they were after but what makes you think that there is anything different with an IBO? People purchase product from an IBO because the quality of the products are much better than the products you can get at your local wal mart of target. This is not only because they have dedicated developement facilities all across the world, but because they're privately owned. This means that they don't have to deal with the constant requests and demands that come from stockholders.
And you say not to trash Donald Trumps name by mentioning Amway, but here's a nice little sound bite for you...
"In the late 1980’s, Tonight Show host Johnny Carson asked his guest, Donald Trump, what he would do if he lost all his fortune. Donald replied “I’d join Amway.” Even though the crowd booed, mainstream America was introduced to the possibility that direct marketing might be a viable way to generate income."
and here's the link-
I think that it's really cute that people keep posting links from other blogs that prove how amway and LTD are "scams" and "unethical." Here's one link that I'm surprised hasn't surfaced yet-
This is a link showing how the Better Business Bureau has given Amway Global an A+ rating. Want to know why that is?
That's because Amway has received 3 complaints with the better business bureau this year.
Microsoft? 300,000.
After reading all these comments i would also like to share my experience. I just graduated with a Finance degree from a very prestigious school, I was also invited to a meeting which I attended, the speaker was funny, but as a person who is concerned about the how ethical and legal a scheme is, i was concerned with the fact that they were mentioning companies that have no affiliation with LTD. For example, the speaker mentioned "have you ever been paid for using facebook?" "what if you tell you can be paid for using facebook?" which was absolutely a lie, because there is no connection i think he mentioned that to get attention. which would be illegal too. then i was told a few large numbers of income that can be made. any smart person would think why the hell would a company help you make money without having a monetary interest from you? apparently they kept on emphasizing the point that LTD doesn't make any money from you. then why are they so concerned? the nest thing was that i was asked to do a follow up with a sponsor of the person who invited me. when i met the person, i was told the exact same stuff as the initial meeting. then i was asked to get a call making training from the person, and i said that i can tell my friends who would be interested. he said he's have to be there the first couple of times i would make a phone call. I told him that i would much prefer to call myself, he said that he can make the calls for me. asked me for a list of names that i think might be interested. why the hell would i want to do that? why are they rushing me into recruiting people? why am i not given a chance to get to know the company and then determine if i want to get my friends into it? why am i asked to buy books and cds in the first meeting? why are they pushing to recruit more and more people?
I heard about this bunch of lunatics after some young, and very naive kids at work got involved. They are SO secretive, it's almost hilarious. The tidbits I've heard about it make me cringe. I hear a distributor, on one hand, describing how he has a good secondary income using his LTD/Amway business and then in another minute I hear him on the phone with his wife speaking in whispers, apparently she's crying because another person told her how crazy she was for being so eager to "show them the plan". They speak in almost cult like dialogue. His friend, who he sponsored I suppose, is supposed to look up to him and give him respect, however his upline is definitely an idiot with hardly any knowledge on anything except for Amway. I actually heard them trying to recruit another young man and they were using the old line about Donald Trump, and how he once said he'd get involved in MLM if he had "it" to do all over again. COMPLETE and UTTER LIES!!! While we were at work I once overheard him making a presentation (yes at his real, day job, IDIOT, has to be a cult if your willing to risk losing the job that pays your rent, YES he still rents) and he never once mentioned what business he was involved in, said something about moving product inventory from instore to online. That doesn't seem shady at all does it? Or unethical? What about the countless hours they spend trying to sign one person up, and that person is so underdeveloped as a human being that they can't grasp the concept that they need to be recruiting others to the business, not just buying from the product lines, lol. It's really sad. I truly do pray for them each night when I say my prayers. They are chasing the dragon, and it's worse than heroin.
was just given the spiel, started doing research,did more research,could not stop!
....the scope of this scam is fascinating.If you want to find out more and be super freaked out about this "cult of free enterprise", read Merchants of Deception.
OMG.. People this is a SCAM! Are you that brainwashed? I feel sorry for all of you... because when you do see the light of day who will you have left? No one.
My son was told by his cousin (who is in this crap) that she is "better than him, and do you know why? Because I am married (she was 19 at the time) and I make more money than you." Well first what a ridiculous thing to say to someone and how the heck would she know how much money he makes?? I could go on and on with comments... these people are brainwashed!
ok so- of those who actually stuck with LTD for a long period of time and did what they were told to- did it work? and for those who just sat in and never found legit answers to your questions-i already know you guys think its a scam. but for those who did it- seriously- did it work? cuz all these stupid stats just dont make sense.
LDT "is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Diane said, "... and is backed by the FTC and BBB ..." Well Diane, you are full of Cr*p. The FTC is a government agency and never backs anyone. The BBB is a local org of business cronies that all back each other at the monthly beer fest/meeting.
I am a part of LTD and I love it. Heard about it 3 years ago and thought it was a scam... got on the team Jan 2010 and been very pleased with it. The success principles they have taught me have changed my life. I've excelled more in my job through their teachings. And I mean my 8 to 5 job not the Amway stuff. I like Amway too though. They have amazing products and help me make some extra money too. To each his own.
-Casey Clausen
you fags trash talking ltd . i wish i seen you in person i would beat the living shit out of you. you have no idea what youre talking about . youre the biggest SAP talking crap because you couldnt make it. you quit and youre a pussy so shut the fuck up!!
To all the people talking Pyramid schemes, take a look at your job. Look at the person at the top, think about what he makes. The work your way down until you get to where you are, and think about what you make. If you drew it out it would look like a pyramid. So everything is a pyramid, and if you rely on the internet and not personal experiences then you lose out. You close your minds off to oppourtunities and you will always be the low man on the totem pole. If you doesn't work for you then it wasn't meant to be, it doesn't mean the system doesn't work, it just means it wasn't for you. Talking bad about something you know nothing about, or didn't put any effort into it doesn't make you an expert. Just makes you a clone of society. So have fun being a drone to society. I'll stick to my LTD and move on with my life.
I knew this one McDonalds that was right down the street from my house once. I went home on vsacation and it was gone...I asked around, people said the owner was running a "crooked cash register" and the corporation shut em down...You know what McD's is still the #1 resturaunt in the WORLD...period.
Just causes some random person screws away a great oppertunity doesn't mean that McD's wont still make you money.
(Insert AMWAY for McD's at your discression)
My question is why can't all these LTD or Amway people who are now "Independent Business Owners" (as legally jargoned by LTD) put all this "hard work and positivity and blah blah blah" that they "learn" through the seminars and conventions and what not that LTD throws at them into their own company? Why the reliance on LTD? If you are truly driven, you could utilize your resources (i.e. your network of professional acquaintances, friends family, etc.) to building financial or even personal support for a business idea you have so that you can operate as a real, actual sole proprietor - without the extra overhang of LTD or Amway or whoever influencing you in any way, shape, or fashion? Be a REAL entrepreneur. Just like with LTD, you don't have to quit your job to's baby steps. Build at your own pace, whatever makes sense for you. People on here talk about how LTD lets them do become who theyve always wanted to be - but at what expense? Your business is unoriginal - how many hundreds or thousands of other people are being siphoned into this quasi-pyramid scheme at the same time as you? You think you're being an independent business owner, but really you're in effect becoming an employee of LTD. Unleash the real American spirit, and do it on your OWN. Sky is the limit - and it's up to you. It takes time, pain, and much effort - I'm working on it now and can attest - but man, the payoff could be massive.
Its not a scam. Its just stupid. The company is NOT a BBB accredited business. Amway Global is accredited, but the Amway Global IBOs are not always accredited. The one in my home city is not. They do not operate in a professional manner... never accept a job or pay to join a group if they can not clearly map out how the company runs, or can clearly explain your role in the company. If it sounds too good to be true.. well it more than likely is.
Amway is great, LTD is bull shit. I'm an IBO and have been with LTD for 2 years. I'm a self motivated person and the meetings a complete waste of money for somebody like myself. For 2 years I've been paying $5 a meeting to hear the same dumb shit over and over. I didn't want to go to some of them sometimes, but my upline told me to be a "good IBO" and attend anyways. My upline also talked me into selling my belongings like my Wii, PS3, DVDs, games, and other stuff to pay for conferences that are all more bull shit. The "Diamonds" only speak about their glorious vacations and how much money they have and we don't. I paid $150 for this? Amway is great, I've made money off of it selling XS, but LTD is a waste of money. True, I couldn't have done one without the other, but I don't need any help nor do I want to be in fake-ass positive environment. LTD just held me back, I'm continuing my Amway business, but minus "the team"
Well put.
ok so maybe LTD is a legit business, however let me ask and tell you this to all you out there that have made some money off the business. Is not haveing to continously rectuit people and send out messages on facebook,myspace, twitter ,calls, texts, and etc not annoying? I mean you only have so many friends on facebook and after you have sent messages out to them and none of them holla back at you, what is one suppose to do then? And not to mention the products they sell are high as the moon, and there is nobody out there that is going to pay nearly 30 bucks for a dozen energy drinks and I do not care how good they are; they are not worth that kind of money. So if someone is not interested in getting into the business with you then you have to ask them if they want to be a customer then. So all in all I think I would stick with my trading hours for dollars idea, it may not be the best thing in the world, however it does work for 100% fact and you don't have to bug the hell out of people to join in with you. And like I say the Products that LTD sells are sky high so anybody in their right mind would just go to walmart and pay half price then be done with it. I could go on all day about how this shit is stupid, but please feel free to comment me back on this one I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on LTD.
alright now i agree it is a scam, it is very legit though. This guy recruited me through facebook and i had a phone call with them they said it was a suprise interview later and that i passed it. This was told to me at the second interview where they told me no money would come out of my pocket and there was no initial investment. I went to the third interview which was a meeting, and it was like a cult they sit there and try to lie to your face and deny it. They said it isn't a pyramid scheme but it really is the ones on top get rich and the bottom or ibo's do all the work and make nothing. They also reeled me in with you start out making $25 an hour which is b.s you do make that however you have to accumulate so many points to make an hour. This is wrong how they lie and deceive people to come into there company. The second interview i had i was leary b/c they never told me exactly what i had to do to earn money, and now you know the reason why they don't tell you. You can make money however you have to be a really good sales representative and be ready to go door to door and sell products from catalogs to people. IT IS A SCAM DONT LET IT FOOL YOU. They will deny this it is like arguing with a religous view or political view you will never convince them otherwise. I HOPE YOU TAKE THIS ADVICE BECAUSE IT ALMOST HAPPENED TO ME!!! Here is some other good advice any job or company that requires you to give them money to start isn't a good job opportunity walk away from it.
I went to a very good high school, got good grades, was accepted into my major right away at Penn State Erie, and spent thousands and thousands of dollars on classes and books that the class never required me to read. They made me go to freshman seminars to "teach me how to be successful in school." I wasted a ton of time and money on memorizing information long enough to take a quiz or a final, and pass. My "advisors" never called me to see how I was doing...matter of fact, never even e-mailed me. We never had meetings to sit down and discuss my future and what I needed to do to get there.
College and post-secondary education is the biggest scam of all. Society brainwashes us into thinking that you have to get good grades in school, you have to get into a good college, you have to stay the course and makes you believe that you will achieve the life that you want from spending thousands and thousands of dollars on education that, let's get real, you will most likely forget. College didn't work for me. Don't do it. Don't get sucked in!
Did the last few sentences sound familiar? They should. That is the spin that many people have been putting on the training system LTD in this forum. "It didn't work for me, so therefore it won't work for you. Don't do it. Don't prove me wrong."
Let me tell you a little bit about what LTD did for me in comparison to what college did for me.
I grew up in a family where my parents went hungry more often than not because they wanted to make sure that their children could still eat. They spent money from which they could have paid for more food, nicer clothes, maybe a better car on getting us a good education in a private grade school. My dad worked long and hard hours for little money and paid for it with his body when he severely injured his back about 10 years ago now. He has been rendered useless by terms of society because he can no longer work.
My parents drilled into my head that I was going to go to college and get a good job, because they wanted to make sure that I would never have to go through what they went through. It was never even an option. I was going.
College wasnt entirely a horrible experience - i met a lot of very nice people who had similar goals and aspirations - the goals and aspirations mostly being something along the lines of "how am I going to get alcohol" or "who am I going to sleep with tonight?"
I now am associated with people who have higher dreams, goals, and aspirations for themselves and their families. I now have friends who call me every day just to see how I am doing. We all have common goals that we are working towards - make a better life for ourselves and our families. And we create friendships along the way. Instead of drinking and sleeping around, these people have brought me back to my faith - something that I haven't been able to do on my own.
As I said earlier, I had an advisor who never called, never emailed, never booked appointments with me. In contrast, my mentor calls me, emails me, or sends me a text almost every day. On top of that, we meet to talk about my dreams and goals, and what I need to do and what steps I need to take to get there.
I still work an hourly job for an hourly wage. My boss has meetings with us every week - never to talk about the good things that we are doing. Always to reprimand for something that we have done or could have done "better." I was demoted from my job for being 5 minutes late. I wish i were making that up. In the workforce, you are just a number. You are replaceable, you can be replaced, there are plenty of people who are ready and willing to take your job from you, and you are being constantly reminded of that.
In this business I have to answer to no one but myself, but i have a team of people behind me who are ready and willing to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on if I need it.
Yeah, I paid my $200, and I got my IBO number and LTD membership for the price I paid for ONE college textbook that the teacher never used in class, and at the end of the semester I sold back to the college for $5. At least with Amway and LTD, if you never use something (including your IBOship), you can send it back within 6 months for a full refund.
I went to more than one information session before I decided to sign up, and I'm sure that if you feel you need to attend more than one that the person who invited you out would be happy to save you a seat at the next info session, and possibly even invite you to stay for the training.
I invite you to go ahead and be a skeptic - it is your right as an individual and a human being. However, if you want to get the best information - googling is not the best route to take. Here is my recommendation: whoever is your LTD contact, ask them to attend a free info session. After you see the presentation, ask that person to point you to two people - maybe the person in the room who is making the most amount of money, and the person in the room who is within their first three months and talk to them. Have questions ready to ask them, and don't be afraid to get into the nitty gritty stuff. If you can't get all of your questions answered between the presentation and the IBO training (whether you are invited to stay or not), ask for a time where you can sit down and have all of your questions answered.
If nothing else, it will be a time for you to test your theory on the whole situation. If you truly believe that LTD is "out to get you" or your money and you truly believe that this business is built on greed, then I am excited for you to take this challenge and really meet the people who make this business a real part of their life. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Also, let me know how it goes! I want to hear stories of people who have done exactly what I just suggested to do. Make sure it is recent, and that you tell me what info session you were invited to :)
Excited to hear from you,
I'm an IBO and I'm part of LTD. I'm not going to quit. And in my opinion, building an Amway business is the way to go. However, to all the negative people in this blog I have to say Thank you! All your negative experiences have provided me and my business with something extremely valuable. Your insight. Yes your opinions DO matter. If I were approached about this business the way you folks were, I never would have gotten in. But now I know what to avoid when sharing this opportunity. I'm not going to go all FTC and BBB on you, there's way too much evidence that this works. If you want to have normal jobs then AWESOME! You're not stupid! Do what makes you happy! I don't think any less of you! But thank you so much for giving me your perspective. We all have the choice of running our business the way we want to. LTD is guidance. Now, thanks to all of you I know how to NOT creep people out.
To Anonymous who posted August 21, 2010 @ 10:11 pm:
Here's the thing, as an Independent Business Owner, you have a choice of whether or not you want to "recruit" people. It is not required. For the first two years of my business ownership, I didn't add anyone to my team, but I did make money with it. I feel bad that you might have had a bad experience with maybe another IBO, however there is no "rule" stating that you have to recruit anyone, and there is no "rule" stating that if someone says no, that you have to "make them" be a customer. Everything is completely optional, and I have had plenty of people tell me that they weren't interested in becoming customers. It doesn't hurt our feelings, just the same as it doesn't hurt WalMart's feelings if you decide to shop at Target instead. And BTW trading hours for $$ doesn't work 100% of the time. There are only 24 hrs in a day, and most of the time there is a limit placed on the amount of money you can make. Your employer is never going to give you 100% of their wholesale to retail profits. Your employer will tell you how many breaks you can take during the hours that you punch the clock, and will let you know whether or not you are allowed to take a lunch break...and a majority of the time, they only give you a half hour to an hour's worth of time for that lunch break. I will be able to stop working an hourly wage job at the age of 22. When will you be able to retire? And what are the odds that social security is even going to be around at that time? If you are personally investing in your own retirement, kudos. Most of our population ages 18-35 don't make that decision. So what is your plan b? I'm saying, if LTD isn't for you...thats perfectly fine. To be honest, we don't want people on our team who aren't ambitious and accountable people - and we definitely don't want anyone on our teams who are closed-minded and pessimistic about our opportunity. But - a word of sound advice - talk to any financial advisor and they will tell you that it is not smart to put all of your eggs in one basket. Investing all of your time and effort into an hourly job alone - whether you make $10 an hr or $10,000 an hour - is simply not a good idea. What happens if your company goes under? What happens if your company is sold to another company without warning? What happens when you walk up to your establishment and the doors are locked and chained, and you are out of a job? I just want to make this clear that I'm not down on jobs - I think more people should have one (and less should rely on unemployment and welfare). I just hope that you have a Plan B in mind, just in case something happens to your Plan A - even if it is just starting a savings account (or money jar) that you religously place money into for "oops" moments.
Best Wishes,
Wow! Just wow! Lol....I seriously have to laugh. LTD is a mentoring system to help move your business forward. You don't have to purchase the books through them but I can tell you that successful people read the same books.
Why do people think you're being "hired" into LTD? That's what I'm picking up. I don't know your line of sponsorship but I can testify that mines is not like that. I make the decision to partake in events.
Someone asked what do you do when you friends list run out. Uh, you go outside and meet people. If your focus is to "get you one", that's all wrong, the people who wants to do it will do it. There is so much I've been exposed to in the business that I know I would have never gotten to. I simply ask and let them decide if its something THEY want to do.
Man, people are saying they're losing money. Well, your upline didn't show you how to make money. With the way the business is designed now, I'm seeing people make $300-$1000+ their first month! Even if it was for one month, that's a hell of a raise you wouldn't get from a job.
The people I see complaining, to me, have no drive at all or is just LAZY. You listen to what someone said before getting the information you need. You have no one to blame if you do very little and expect huge results. It doesn't work that way no matter what goal you are trying to accomplish.
I do wish all the haters on here much success in whatever else you decide to do in life. LTD a ha ha ha! That tickles me. Anyway, God Bless you all. May you have a prosperous life. (^_^)
Here we go again with AMWAY hiding in the bushes and whispering...."hey buddy...yeah you...over can make all your dreams come true...just dont say AMWAY, or pyramid..blah blah blah...lying scumbags.
GEE I wonder if "ANONYMOUS" is an LTD Representative?? Ya THINK????? Haha I'm here since my daughter is a college freshman and asking my advice. She is FAR TOO SMART for the likes of you SCAMMERS!!! Hahahahaha NICE TRY! Find another sucka, SUCKA!!
When I read this blog about the LTD scam, I kept thinking back to my experience with this cult. I was sitting in a coffee shop (in North Carolina) and was approached by a gentleman named Mike Parker who asked me what I was studying for. I told him "the GMAT," he asked, "What's that?" I said, "it's the entrance exam for business school." Well, that's when things really took off. He launched into his story about how he went to business school (complete bullshit, anyone who has gone to b-school knows what the GMAT is) and now he's an entrepreneur (aka manipulating young adults looking for a quick buck) looking for "go getters" to get in with him on the ground floor. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about because when I asked him what he sold he never gave a straight answer. It left me curious though and I went to one of the cult meetings. I didn't pay, although they did try to hit me up for money. I walked in right after they were getting done with their "guided visualization" relaxation exercise (hypnotizing people is a great way to gain compliance). This guy "Gary" started into some lofty speech about how rich he was and how he gets on his plane and flies down to an island in the Carribean with friends every weekend. He talked about how McDonald's copied LTD's "system." He went on and on, it was quite possibly one of the most boring speeches I had ever seen, yet everyone was jazzed up about it and "just happy to be there" to see Gary speak. There were probably close to 200 young adults there. They wanted to make a quick buck, but ironically they were lining the pockets of Gary and Mike. At the end people gave their testimonials. I went to a coffee shop (notice a theme?) with Mike and his team. I told them that "If I didn't know any better this whole thing sounds like a cult." Needless to say they all got really pissed off at me. LTD is a SCAM and they are all complete and total douche bags. Yeah, they wasted my time, but the thing that really pisses me off is that they thought I was dumb enough to join their stupid cult in the first place. Do I have "moron" tattooed to my forehead? All these "team leaders" should be ashamed of themselves. Hey, this is America, baby, home of the free and the brave (and stupid?). I went to Iraq twice, and all I can think about is that I'm protecting these assholes' freedom. Respectfully yours, one person not dumb enough to join the LTD scam.
LOL dude, no offence, but yes do your research, on the better business burough not on or wiki anyone can post anything there, how about check out government websites....
So weird how people think things are scams, but never actually know anything about them.... Hence you didn't even know what they sold?
Really weird? Why would you even post this if you didn't even know anything about them? LOL
Alright, if you guys actually knew about business. You would know that MLM(Multi-Level-Marketing) businesses are legitimate. If gives folks a chance to become a business owner without the headache of capital for a brick and mortar business. Besides A.G. and LTD both sell products.. A.G. partnered with companies so that we as entrepreneurs can drive traffic to these companies and receive compensation for the sales. Way better commission than my sales job that I have. LTD sells BSM(Business Support Materials) just like universities and schools sell books that you have to buy to make it through class. All education resources should cost money since LTD goes through the effort of producing education for someone that would like to succeed in owning a business such as an Amway Global business. But yea by the way been part of the LTD team for 4 years now and not only have I not drank any stupid kool-aid idiots but I've made money and it's allowed me to get out of debt and have trust worthy friends. It's not recruitingf either. I share an opportunity for people that are ambitiously looking for a way to make some money. I've been helping new guys on my team make $300 their first month in business without even building a team. Walmart is for broke people anyways. If you actually had a wealthy understanding at all you would know that quality information or products are not cheap. Go drive through Potomac maryland someday and tell me if there is a walmart or costco much less a stinking mcdonalds. wealthy people dont think like that. So go hang out with john maxwell or chris gardner and ask them about LTD. see what they have to say about it. Go do some creditable research and you'll find that A.G. is asked by the government to come investigate new MLM businesses to see if they are illegally formed or not. LTD is the fastest organization in A.G. Instead of bashing a company that you don't work for or never even attempt at working for then why are you on here running with stupid notions. Go "google" walmart and see how many stinking law suits or bad stuff you If you don't like being part of the team then go get your money back. Which by the way is refundable from both A.G. and LTD. No risks. Stop complaining and have a Positive Mental Attitude and maybe you could be successful with whatever you put your mind to. Have a good one. We live in the land of the free and people should be able to do whatever they want and not have negative folks post negative flak on a stupid blog.
Amway, LTD, Primerica...there are a lot of companies out there offering riches beyond you're wildest imagination. After all, not everyone can be a Wall Street insider. But these "businesses" depend on a strategy that's more like throwing crap on the wall and waiting to see what sticks.
If you were a real business owner, you could sell anything you wanted to sell. Try offering another manufacturers product and see what happens...enough said.
WOW is so funny how many people out there that are dumb as shit so funny, people like you are the looser that we half to remove to find the people that matter and also you are the one's that will be broke so in joy living your life paycheck to paycheck we will be on the beaches off the world
I am invited to a workshop tomorrow and I can't wait to hear what LTD will be trying to say. I was given a pitch by a fellow alumni graduate and I couldn't believe he was seriously selling me on his newly formed IBO company. He follows every get-rich-quick scheme out there and no he wants me to join he new endevor. Maybe I can convince the others sitting there to get up and run out as quickly as possible!!
Was at Staples the other day, A nice man approached me stating "Do I know you from somewhere?" I clearly did not no him, but being a nice guy I talked to him. A half hour later after we got done talking like friends, he took my phone number. I was a little put off by the whole situation. I figured, "hey maybe he is just a nice guy." The next day he called me telling me about this great way to make a lot of money. He sent me a link to this video. The video is of this girl talking about how great this company is, but she does a great job by not telling you what the company actually does. Did some research into it and realized it is a SCAM.
I can’t believe someone approached me in a public place pretending like they knew me. I hope that Amway, Quixstar, and LTD Team get SHUT DOWN.
The whole idea is a JOKE. These people need REAL JOBS.
Also people that are involved with the company do have a cult mentality. In psychology we call this an "Anti-Intellectual Belief". This is a common trait in cults. That is why they come across sort of like a cult (CREEPY). They also stand by their company no matter what! Amway could kill there entire family and they would still believe that Amway is god.
Maybe they just can’t accept the fact that they were so dumb that they got involved, so now they have to get other people involved.
Ya, it's a 'scam' that just got accredited with the Better Business Bureau, you idiot. You must clearly know more about it than them...I mean, you watched an entire 5 minute video clip and all. Why am I not surprised you're unemployed?
I respect all opinions on this blog, whether they are negative or positive. If you want a job, get a job. If you want a business, start a business. A person's perceptions are reality to them, so every one on here is right. Jobs obviously work when you are hired, just as people make money with Amway or it wouldn't still be around. There is no "one size fits all" answer. I think both sides need to be more open minded with the other, or at least less mean.
So many ppl are confused, LTD is simply a group of individuals who have accomplished success with amway and are trying to coach others who are interested. And like any thing in life you can be coached, or coach urself. the decision is urs. amway is a great business opportunity it is just up to you about how you will approach it and what TECHNIQUES n PHILOSOPHIES you will use. Your own, LTD, or Britt WorldWide. so for all of those curious AMWAY= Great biz opp. LTD= Teaching n coaching organization and BWW= Teaching n coaching organization. get it!!! got it!!! good!!! BTW
LTD Rocks peroid. John C Maxwell, Kurt Warner, Sandra Bullic, Detroit Red Wings, Miss America Organization, ect. all back Awmay and LTD. Kurt Warner said, Amway North America announced today that it has signed NFL and Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner to a multi-year endorsement agreement to represent NUTRILITE® exclusively from Amway – the world’s leading brand of vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements.
“The people at Amway share the same business philosophies and family values that I apply to my professional and personal life,” said Warner. “So, in that sense, it was really easy to see why I should partner with the NUTRILITE brand together in an effort to educate consumers on the benefits of proper nutrition and help Amway’s Independent Business Owners maximize their opportunities.”
It is an awesome program for the American entrepreneur that will help them change there life for the better. Go LTD go Amway.
I honestly feel sorry for you ignorant close minded people that take time out of your day to talk bad about a business that clearly works. You should seriously do some research before you start trashing something you dont understand. LTD is NOT a part of or representing Amway Global, LTD is made up of people that have success in this business and are there to help new IBO's grow. Sure you they sell materials to educate you in techniques that worked for them, but you DONT have to buy anything if you dont want to, you dont even have to sign up with LTD in order to become an IBO...thats optional. I am having success as an IBO with Amway, and the people that "bought" into this "scam", are having success as well. So before you non believers destroy someone else's dreams with your crap, do a bit of research. Success in this business is based on the amount of effort you put in. Let say that this business DIDNT work for me, at least I made an attempt to better my life, the $150 I paid to start this business could have easily been spent on something else...and Im glad I made the choice to invest or I would have never known if this business was for me of not. To everyone out there interested in this business, seek the right information... Dont let these people determine YOUR future.
Yours truly
Proud IBO of Amway Global
Goodness. What broken broke people. I hear shit about scams every other day in suburbs and from whomever has a selfish narrow-minded gossipy environment ambience.
I've even fallen under a few jackass internet scams--but I do know one thing for sure: the current LTD as it stands as of today, is nowhere NEAR a lame scam like the rest of life for some suckers out there.
If all you did was google it and go "Oh dear~ it's an f'in scam! Screw such creeps and liars!" then you might as well equate your so-called credential evidence to googling images for 'americans' and simply seeing as the first 200 some images are of black, white, and indian people--asian americans are then a scam of an existance. You who are weak-minded can just scram.
Yeah, that's right, you accusing and nagging broke people give the best advice to average idiots who want to spend the rest of their life however pointlessly they already do or will.
Unfortunately, some people similiar to your caliber taint the names of the better of us representatives out there because you never tried twice as hard as true IBOs.
I don't give a damn about Larry Winters's lifestyle or etc. because there are plenty of other rich bastards out there doing crud that's worse. Like your stupid singing idols.
I've just started up as an IBO for a few months, so please excuse my coarse language in voicing my PERSONAL opinion for those of you that are level-headed enough, but seriously, I ain't even a dang christian, doubt I'd ever be either, I don't worship any shit--I just filter & take what I need from meetings, so why would I be some lame cult member in such a business? The reality is that everyone gets to makes their OWN CHOICES in this business.
I'm dirt poor, but I sure as heck ain't a stupid college student, and I made a choice of my own volition to join after 2 weeks of just attending things as an outsider & thorough thinking. The tools they provide have nearly saved me entirely from ruin.
If you happen to get 'hired' by creeps--then that's unfortunate indeed, but I sure as heck didn't, plus I don't SELL the idea all stalker-like to anyone, and having gone through encounters aplenty with some of the nastiest deceitful people out there--I WOULD know!!
People meet 'bad' people everyday. Are there no GOOD people then?!
Why don't you go blogging & tell hospitals and doctors that drug prescriptions are scams? All over the world, people who work in and run hospitals intentionally kill people every hour of the day! Amway never asked for your lame soul.
LTD related success is up to the INDIVIDUAL and whomever they surround themselves with. It's legit, so what more could you ask for?
Where there are winners, there will always be howling losers. It's up to you which category you are in.
Folks, as I said before, stop poking the idiot pool; these people don't want to make money, then just walk away. Lets just stop beating this forum with a dead horse (IBO inside joke) and walk away. It's in their court. This forum sounds like a high school. "Well I know better..." "No, I know better." How bout this folks; results. Yes, it's true; (what was it like...) The average IBO only makes like 103.50USD a month or something like that? Well if you recall "An average is the best of the worst and the worst of the best."
Think about this:
Stop talking to Scatman17. Stop talking to a poor person telling you how not to be poor. Go for results. Follow results. Hey, Amway might work for you, and if it doesn't? Well God bless you in your travels. I don't expect you to follow the American Way of things, I don't expect you to do this for me. I don't expect you to NOT to do this because your Grandma's best friend who died like 10 years ago KNEW someone who didn't succeed with Amway. I expect YOU to do what you want, when you want. I EXPECT you to succeed. Can Amway help you out in that? I don't see why not.
No money down.
If you decide that Amway's not for you in the first 6 months, you get your IBO investment of 220USD back. Can you say the same about ANY other business comparable to Amway out there?
Try Amway, fail at it, get your money back.
Where's the loss?
Better question:
If you don't like your current situation and you complain about it every single day about how "Well that doesn't work because... someone said it doesn't." why don't you change it? Are you that someone that it didn't work for? If so, then good luck to you.
When did it become okay to have other people tell us that we shouldn't think for ourselves?
How bout this:
Quit trolling and check out: Http:// and make your own decision
LT350 by June of 2011.
UMWFF 50k+
Take care and God bless.
Definition of a Pyramid Scheme = The person at the top makes more money than the people below. The person at the top makes money from the efforts of those below. The person at the top will always make more money than those below.
LTD and Amway are not a Pyramid. Anyone can make more money than the person who got them started if they build a bigger business.
Your JOB is a Pyramid Scheme
It's a waste of time to argue. Most would see what they want to see. No sense in telling the truth when they already have a pre-concieved answer.
Hey Mandee@ltdteam,
Since you offered everyone the opportunity to ask an ltd member about the nitty gritty, why don't you give us the answers?
However, I disagree with your opinion about post-secondary schools and colleges being scams. Maybe it did not work for you, but I ask you this, how would one become a medical doctor, attorney,certified public accountant, odentidt, teacher, physical therapist, or engineer, without a college education and, in some instances, graduate school? The list of occupations continues, but I can't see how one could attain licensure for some of these positions without a college education. Please, enlighten me, Mandee. I am currently debating dropping out of law school after reading your very captivating story.
As a matter of fact i have someone trying to recruit me at the moment, decided to google it and this is the first thing that poped up. I spoke to her on the phone and she kept telling me to "hold on" her voice seem nervous and her question didnt follow. Ill go with my gut, i just met her at a park last week... wow.
I joined the LTD Team and for one thing, it takes a lot more effort and time than they claim it does to make any sort of income. Not only do you have to sell average products to customers at premium prices ($15 for dryer sheets?), but you also have to make these people repeat their purchases.
They start by telling you to write down a list of family and friends to either sell products to, or recruit into the business. With family they will call and guilt them into supporting a family member trying to start a business. Very classy. For friends, especially at my age 24, they explain that you can make millions (eventually) working a few hours a week. This as I found out has not been the case. All I had to do was look at my sponsor and the time and effort he was putting in. Every week there is an info session and then "training" session afterwards. This takes a minimum of 4 hours. He then has people that he is sponsoring that he has to motivate and help with their own business. Minimum hours on them: 10. Then he has to make sure to recruit more people because people quit or are no good. Minimum hours 10. He then has weekly calling sessions to call people he recruited during the week or talked to. Minimum hours: 10. You can see how the hours mount up.
On top of the $225 you have to pay to become a member, there are more things you "have" to have. You "have" to buy the motivational cd's from the diamonds and emeralds, which compared to how many people are in LTD, are very few. These cost a minimum of $5 and they literally want you to buy hundreds of these cd's. Many of these CD's say be your own best customer and buy everything from "your" business. Toothpaste, clothes, food, cleaners. All of which are extremely overpriced for the quality you receive. You also "have" to attend motivational conferences which cost a minimum of $120 just for the conference. Travel and hotel must be paid for also which is a couple hundred dollars and there are 4 of these conferences a year. They claim these thousands of dollars you are spending on cd's, travel, conferences, and products are an "investment" for your future. Really, they are an investment into Amway.
As a recruiter you are told NOT to explain the business but just that the business makes billions of dollars and you should sit in on an info session. They fail to tell you details because they will lose smarter people (unlike myself) before they even get the foot in the door. The ditto heads literally say the same things (over and over and over) and find ways of working around any uncertainty you may have if you are being recruited. For example: they told me not to worry about what other people say online about the business, every business has people that are unhappy with them. Good rationale right? They are great salesmen and work day in and day out to find ways of manipulating your mind into joining the business. Everything you hear from a "recruiter" has been rehearsed over and over again. My sponsor has literally talked to tens of thousands of people to recruit them. He says the same lines. It's just a sales pitch.
I believe it is possible to make lots of money in this business, I just do not like the way in which they do it. They are not entirely truthful with you until you actually join the business and you are forced to sell overpriced items and claim they are high quality. If I am going to sell a product, I have to know that product is worth its salt. For Amway, I see maybe one or two products worth the price but the fact is, you will never make enough off one or two products. If you are a good salesmen and don't have to believe what you say and you put in time, 50-60 hours a week, and money, around 20-30 thousand over 2 or 3 years, you can make good money in this business.
your'e an absolute moron if you think its a scam. Your job is a scam. selling your time and life for someone elses dream when God intended us to live our own for his glory. You should do some real research on Amway and check out Better Business Bureau or the Amway Global Website. See what they stand. Not many companies have an A+ BBB rating or stand on God's principals to build their business.
Scam haha PYRAMID scheme haha you mean like your job haha everything has structure how can you make a claim about a pyramid when you yourself are in one a legal pyramid scheme??? by definition is where you make all of your money by recruiting others and there is no product or service being scheme??? draw out the organization you work for and the church you go to and the organization of the girl scouts and tell me what it looks like? Who wants to live a american dream anyway the time you get out of college you will be debt and be living for your school majority of the time and never even guaranteed a job after that whats wrong with multiple streams of income? people who are your references on such claims dougieboy24? people who dont even have a business of their own thats your source, would you consier him a expert on the subject or any other subject for that matter? Total ignorance, robert kiyosaki the author of one of the top selling financial books of all time a big supporter of network marketing he calls it the perfect business, Donald trump also a big supporter, warren buffett the most successful investor of all time also a supporter of network marketing. Middle man? do you really need a economics lesson? Credible subjects who are your credible subjects again? Incompetence.
Four years ago, I was 17 shopping in Barnes and Nobles with my mom and some lady approaches me claiming her husband is in the finance field and gave me her business card saying that I could mentor with them. Being stupid and 17, I gave her my phone number and threw her card out immediately upon leaving the store. Fast forward to today, this woman calls me up out of the blue and tries to offer me a job with her husbands company thats trying to expand, and offers big returns. Being a senior in college, I said i would be happy getting coffee to talk about the company and the position, but she instead said I had to log in on the phone or something, I don't even know - something for some webinar. I only caught her name, but due to some successful googling and facebooking (and linkedin), I was able to trace her and her husband back to LTD. There is no way some "finance" firm is going to hire me, with out even seeing my RESUME, having met me as a 17 year old. Everything about this screams SCAM. Especially because this is NOT a finance firm..
A word to employers of these idiots....these folks are trolling the internet for new suckers and defending LTD Team and Amway while AT WORK a great deal of the time. I saw it first hand. They are not productive. They are brainwashed unproductive twits that only exist to "chase the dream". I pray that they finally see the errors in their ways and notice the faults with the system. Many of them claim to follow Jesus and love God, however they worship money and uphold Larry Winters as if he were God. It is very disturbing. He is even falling himself a "Doctor" now, doing brain surgery on the minds of young people who have been taught wrongly. REALLY. Really people. Just check out some of their profiles on social networking sites, it is not becoming of them to see them struggle with joining the system and building the business while their families sit and are scared for them. It's quite sad.
Well I am actually a college student and not recruiting any one off of the internet. I have started working wit Amway and LTD for not even a year yet but I think I can explain everything. Most people on here that are going against amway are just stating their opinions. Amway may have not worked out for them or they havn't even tried it at all they are just saying what they think. I on the otherhand can say that it is not a scam. What is a scam? A scam is a company, program, person that is selling something to you for a lot more than it is worth and that company, program, person is tricking you into giving them your money.
If you say Amway is a scam then you are definitely mistake. One of the key reasons that Amway is not a scam is that they give you a 6 MONTH period to try everything out and if the business is not for you then you can get all of your money back. That money that you pay is 65 dollars a year to get an Amway website. Another way that is not is you can't just sit back and watch the people under do all the work and you get paid. No that is not what happens, you can not gain success off of other people's success but they can definitely help you if your willing to help yourself. Like another person said, Amway is not a get rich quick job, and if anyone has ever told you that then they were wrong and I apologize for them but its not. I and the people that are helping actually have regular trade time for money jobs but we do amway on the side for extra cash. It is great for College kids like myself who are busy (football/track for me) and need extra money for the school year. Before listening to opinions do what I did and find out for your self what amway is. Actually look at the business and see how it works
and just because the people are always happy and have something good to look forward to doesn't mean that they are a part of a cult. What is wrong with society these days? Is every one suppose to be grumpy and hate life? No, and because they are happy people does them automatically make them weird. I know for me I was glad to meet these people because school is really stressful these days. It really brightens up your spirit plus most of the other people they are around are their friends. Who isn't happy when they are around their friends?
Everyone on this site who has posted a comment about LTD, have no idea what they are talking about. lol the kid at the top of this blog is an absolute joke. He is trying to inform you what LTD is, without knowing JACK about the amway business. DUH there are products to sell!! Thats what the amway business is. Its a business full of products and services. The amway business has been around for 51 years, and did 9.1 Billion dollars in sales last year! Sounds like a pretty big scam if you ask me.... NOT! And you people who think you know what a pyramid scheme is, are also killin me. Since most of you on here seem slow, a pyramid is when a person at the top of a business makes all the money. So kinda like the job you are working now!!! In our business, at any point, your downline can pass you up and make more money than you can. It rewards the builder. So that throws the pyramid idea out the door!! Get your facts straight before you get on these stupid sites and post stuff that you have no clue on.
This is very funny to me reading most of these comments on here. This is not a scam nor is it a cult. In just 1 month I was able to get all of the money that I put into this company signing up plus some. I did not even buy a single thing that month either. We do 8 times the volume of GNC with our vitamins and supplements. How is that for "not so great" products? The person talking about the money spent monthly is wrong as well. There is one meeting a week and those meetings are very reasonable and are to pay the speakers for coming out and talking to new people looking to join followed by training for people who are already members. I only spend at most $30 a month and that is 4 regular meetings at $5 each and one team meeting at $10. LTD is 100% optional as well as functions that can range from $60 to a little over $100. No one forces you to join LTD or to go to any meeting. They are just tools to help you grow the business. The people talking about our products being average and over priced, take a look at the line Legacy of Clean. It is all organic cleaning products that are very concentrated so that huge cap of Tide you use, we use probably a 1/8 of that for the same price you spend on Tide. This business has drastically changed just even in the last few months let alone a few years ago. Maybe all you doubters that had nothing good to say about it and are still working those long days, hating your job, should come to another meeting and re-think your decision. Starting up with Amway Global was one of the best decision I have every made. I have even made life long friendships through it.
LTD is not a scam. Although some of this conversation did cause laughter... I agree with the people who said that most of the LTD team members are religious, happy & uplifting! Which, the last time I checked, is usually not a bad thing. However, all of the excitement at the meetings can be a little overwhelming (I myself though some of the folks on my team were a little strange at first... but I guess they are just excited & quirky!)
LTD does sell products for a "value-based learning system." I don't pay for any of this. My upline gives me CDs and books all for free. It really depends what city you live in & what your local LTD group is like. I am form Ohio and our group is really great!
Amway is a completely legit business. As others have already mentioned, however, Amway/LTD is NOT a "Get rich quick" scam. It is like selling any other product--the time you put into your sales and building your network (of customers and teammates in your downline). If you don't put any work in, you make no money! Also, my friend who told me about this great opportunity (my upline) will NEVER get a cut of the profits I actually make! So definitely not a pyramid scheme but any means! (not to mention, all IBOs actually have commerce, which would rule out the "pyramid scheme" nonsense right away.
I could keep going on.... I did so much research before I got started because I thought it was probably a scam since it seemed too good to be true! However, it really is a great opportunity--however, IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!!! Some people will love it, others will hate it. I am going to assume all the haters on this forum just didn't do so well with their businesses or didn't even take the time to actually research & check the opportunity out. I am not expert, but I can definitely speak from my own personal experience :) all have great points. I am an IBO myself. I agree that some of Ltd is ridiculous, like the continuous tapes per month......just don't buy them ha. A few no prob, Personally I feel it's just common sense. I also agree that this is not for everyone. You are not guaranteed money, you actually have to work for it. The meetings do seem a little control your own mind don't get brainwashed. Odds are you wont become rich, but if you need a little extra cash, just try it. $200.00 dollars for a year then $50 fee to renew per year. You would have to seriously not try to not make anything. Making your money back is simple. For me it was at least. My opinion, it is not a scam, unless you throw down all your money on it......Come on guys that's just dumb, and don't pursue this as a career or even a back up. You will not make a ton, but you will make something, unless you are really bad at business. It's a simple idea, just too many dumb people doing it. You honestly can't judge what you have not tried....just saying. And all the negativity on this site :p bash bash bash, lighten up will ya?
I was approached by a man who wanted me to do this. As a College Graduate in Business I was looking for a job. I heard the presentations, watched the videos, and at the end of the day there were no real answers except for, "Go out and recruit more people."
As a College Grad, I realized this business has no sound business model, no structure, it's a weak company that tries to use manipulation to recruit weak minded people and steal their money. I did not let them take my money nor would I ever give them the $200 like they wanted. Such a dumb company, and I would highly recommend every one to turn their backs on this and walk away. It will save you the hours that I unfortunately wasted.
The question you should ask and have the courage to answer honestly is have these people done what they say I can do? Also have others listened to them and been successful as well? There will always be people who choose not to make an opportunity work. But when some one is more successful than you it doesn't mean that what they did is fishy or a scam. It comes down to having the guts to be honest with yourself and ask "will I admire this person for what they have done or will I be bitter and jealous?"
I am a graduated college student with a triple major, actuarial science math and stats. My friend sat down with me last night to tell me about this TEAM.
I knew it was a scam from the research I had done prior but decided to give him the time to explain himself as he is my friend.
Everything he said had BS written all over it. It was so rehearsed and regurgitated it was sick. He tried to act cordial and everything but it was easy to see right through it from the financial side.
Evade things like this. Work for your money instead of becoming a "business partner" with someone who is making money off of you. I feel bad for my friend becasue he is so intense on this and I know it will only be a matter of time before he retires (quits due to poverty)
Honestly, Most of you sound rather ridiculous. I am an IBO and i am not brainwashed, uneducated, or falsely lead. Amway Global is a wonderful opportunity, and all of you who have not been around to see the progress and growth that AG and LTD have went through should not judge the company for how it was 10 years ago. Many companies are accused of being scams and are not. Yes LTD is religious, if you don't like it you do not have to join to be a IBO. The cost of LTD is only $37 not $200. You are combining the cost with Amway's cost to get that number. The cost of attending meetings is only $30 a month. When you first join all the CD's and books are given to you for free by your upline. You have an opportunity to make more money than the person who got you in. We are not trying to recruit or look for dumb people. If some of you listening to the recent CD's by LTD IBOs you would know that the sharper the person the better they are in business. All of the IBOs on here talking about sitting on beaches all the time need to realize that yes it is possible to replace your income with an Amway business WITH TIME but if the proper work isn't put in you will get no where. YOU CAN'T GET RICH WITHOUT WORK ! (Unless you win the lottery or inherit.) Don't be critical of something you never took the time to understand. LTD as a whole does not promote trying to convince people to join or recruit. That is the individual person not realizing the value of the opportunity, and by trying to force people to join in turn is damaging its credibility. I personally joined for the people and the positive environment. A lot of people in LTD have traditional businesses as well. The life lessons you learn from LTD help you in your business as well as in life. It all depends on who your dealing with. In my experience I have never been promised flashy cars or riches with no effort. If
If i was approached like that i never would have given it the time of day. Amway doesn't knock on doors anymore. We don't just go around begging people to join. If you have no self motivation then you will not be successful in any type of business. All the mistakes Quixtar made were NOT Amway. Those were IBO's who wanted to create a organization to make more money on top of their Amway business by building false dreams. LTD is much more realistic and was formed to help IBO's build a better business. I don't care what Larry Winters does personally, everyone can't be perfect. To the person who said that all the millionaires just sit on islands and no one meets them, that information is entirely FALSE. I personally have met people very successful and one of my personal mentors makes well of 100k monthly and is a qualified diamond (Yes, I've personally seen his checks) and he is a very down to earth and wonderful person. I keep in constant contact with him and his wife who are in constant contact with Larry Winters. The opportunity is what you make of it. All this negative and vulgar talk about a legal and billion dollar company just discourages people who might be really successful in this but change their minds due to constant negativity. I have done more and went more places since I've joined LTD four months ago then I've done in years with people who are literally some of the nicest and caring people i know. In fact, some of the IBO's currently on my team i already knew of through mutual friends and had no idea they were even in the business until i joined. People in LTD aren't obsessed with Amway or worship Larry Winters as a God, and the ones who do probably have serious issues. We have fun as a team while building relationships and our business. We actually do have conversations other than business, even with people on our team. Our team has parties and goes on outings strictly for fun (No business talk allowed even for wealthy IBOs.) Most of you have a very horrible impression of LTD and it really is sad some of the things i have read on here. THERE IS A 6 MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON EVERYTHING (Conferences , Registration , EVERYTHING) If you aren't happy, GET A REFUND. If you are coached right, you make your Amway registration of $165 and LTD of $37 back within 60 days. Have an open mind and let people live their lives.
Agreed. All the people giving testimonials said "It changed MY world!" Keyword: my. How about "change THE world?" These people are selfish, only concerned about themselves. Why does someone need a $90,000 pool? They don't. Okay splurge every so often. But these people have EVERYTHING. Over indulging. At one meeting they made us watch a 10 MINUTE video of boring pictures of people we don't even know on a cruise. You're not building your OWN business. You're selling someone else's product. I want to learn how to sell my own product. Basically one of those things where elementary school kids sell wrapping paper for fundraisers.
^ To the above anon. My upline, Brian McGrath (who is being personally mentored by Larry Winters, whose farm I will be going to next month), in the business is making six figures a year, and guess what? He has a middle class car, lives in a middle class home, in a middle class neighborhood. You know why? Because he is spending all of his money to help /other people/. He and other people on our team donated hundreds and hundreds of dollars of toys to terminal children so they might enjoy what might be their last christmas. He doesnt waste money on nice clothes, nice stuff, expensive restaurants, or anything. He helps people who need the help. So dont say that all people in LTD or Amway are selfish. Sure maybe some are, but I only know people who are really trying to live a better life, get out of their bad neighborhood, and help others.
And you know WHY they show us these videos of our uplines on our cruise? Its like when you really want a Ferrari and you have a picture of it on your phone or wallpaper or poster. Its a daily remember of a dream. They show us those clips and pictures of the cruise to show us something to work for. You dont have to go on the cruise, you wont be forced if you dont want to. But if Amway offered to pay your fair for an entire week on one of the best cruise liners in the world, would you turn it down? I have a picture of the Old Dominion University logo as my computer wallpaper because Im saving up money from my business to go to college. What about you?
Also, you ARE building your own business. No-one can tell me what to sell, or how to sell it. My team and upline are just there to suggest and help. If I want to sell nothing but cellphones, cool. If I only want to sell make up, also cool. If I want to take several items, put them together, and make some sort of gift basket that IS NOT available on the website, no-one will stop me. Hmmmm. A unique gift basket that I decide to sell for ten percent off and still make the amount of profit that I want, sounds like my own product to me.
I just debunked everything you said. Your argument is invalid.
"THERE IS A 6 MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON EVERYTHING (Conferences , Registration , EVERYTHING) If you aren't happy, GET A REFUND. If you are coached right, you make your Amway registration of $165 and LTD of $37 back within 60 days. Have an open mind and let people live their lives." Quoting this from the anon two above me just for emphasis.
Basically along the lines of everything that has been said I am going to add my 2 cents. I am a new IBO I have been in business for about 2 months and I havn't made any real profits yet...But you know what I could care less because the people I am associating with now have drastically changed my outlook and attitude in life It was worth the registration fee just for that. But since you (the poster) think that this is a scam I am going to lay some ground work for you. I just got home from a meeting of about 50 people talked directly to an IBO who makes over a quarter mill a year, and was around 49 other people who make money as IBO's with LTD and Amway Global. The reason you couldn't find out what LTD sells is because LTD doesn't sell anything, from my understanding of it LTD is in the business that Disney is in, making dreams come true...but LTD actually shows you how to do it and illegitimately helps you achieve it. So with the previously mentioned 180 day guarantee on your money back, the myriad of IBO's who have taken time out of their lives to tell you what LTD is (which by the way is what you were scouring the internet for before you posted this) Then you had already talked yourself into talking yourself out of trying this opportunity before you gave it a shot. Not attacking you personally but if you can't see a diamond in the coal then you probably could use a para-dime shift. Hope you give LTD a chance cause this would be an awesome success story. If you decide to change your mind or if anyone else is interested in giving LTD and being an IBO some thought, shoot me an email
Same poster as above to Charles, Brian McGrath is the quarter mil IBO I just referred to :) he was awesome tonight.
I happen to be an IBO (independent business owner)and I can tell you with confidence that LTD is not a scam. Sure we've all heard of the 80's businesses promising overnight wealth and conning people out of their money which was why LTD was formed. Amway is LTD's supplier, a partner. They are who we buy our products from, period. About thirty years ago when lots of businesses were partnering with Amway for supply purposes there was a lot of corner-cutting and dishonesty which unfortunately tainted Amway's reputation. A group of business owners(Larry Winters being the head) who had become successful building their businesses came together and formed LTD themselves. They created a system in which profit was based on performance rather than position. I can tell you firsthand that if you don't put in the effort, you don't get paid. It really sucks that all of those "businesses" from twenty and thirty years ago tarnished Amway's image because all they do is supply us with products like XS, an all-nautural energy drink line, LOC (legacy of clean), the very FIRST organic home cleaning system (google it), Artistry, ranked among the top five prestigious skin care brands in the world (google that also), nutrilite, the world's top-selling online health and wellness brand, (again, you know how to use google) and a host of other products we have access to through Amway's partnerships with well known companies, much like the ones that guy told your mom about. Obviously, no one took the time to explain to him how to communicate exactly what it is that we do and offer, but what I mentioned earlier is what I myself would tell someone who is LOOKING to make extra money. And about him trying to make you pay $200, I don't buy it. It cost me $65 to register in Febuary of this year, 2012. That fee covered my personal client website and welcome kit which includes five catalogs for the major brands, selling guides, and an instructional dvd. There is a $150 option which offers more but if you don't want all of that, you don't have to pay for it. So I'm sorry for your bad experience with our business, but maybe you should talk to some people who are actually building it before making allegations like that on the internet. And to the guy who claims someone told him he would get paid "25 dollars an hour", we get paid monthly. Employees get paid by the hour. Business owners make as much as they work for. Thank you.
i don't understand how any of you can justify the things you just said about 2 great companies. the facts are this it is proven that ppl are way more successful if they are involved with ltd as well as amway but that and the educational items they offer are not required only suggested 2nd none of the ppl that have made negative comments ever gave this opportunity a chance ur just a bunch of butt hurt losers that make yourself feel better by dissing others and that is pathetic at best and 3rd no risk all fees and other monies to this opportunity have a 180 day money back guarantee and 4th if u ever find a business you can start that is legit like amway and you dont have to pay anything to get started let me know cause it doesnt exist that money is valid it covers a biz license retail website literature on your biz and a wide variety of products to help you get aquainted with your new biz as well as linked in to the educational entity ltd where you can access materials and seminars designed to help you grow a successful amway business so with that being said before you bash a multi billion dollar debt free privately held company think about what you actually know frpm personal experience and what you learned from other pathetic ppl like yourself on web boards i found this site quite amusing since i am doing very well with this business hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Wow, caught this post adding IBO Site Pro and LTD login to my new computer, and thought what? you can't recruit someone to work for LTD? I am an IBO, 8 months, thankful my brain has been washed btw with some great things I've learned, and I subscribe to LTD, but I've never sold LTD. I use LTD and when I sponsor a person who wants to become an IBO, they have a choice to use LTD to learn more and use it as a resource but I don't Have to use it to be successful with my Amway business. Not at all do I even need to because everything I need to know about selling and success is on my Amway website for me to learn from for Free. I WANT to use LTD to learn more and use it as more tools in my box you could say and it is worth FAR more than what I pay for the tools. I don't want to post whats already been posted. Some true, some false. Well, yes you can use LTD materials, IBOSitePRO "the video" to help filter whether or not someone is "looking" for extra money and interested in being an entrepreneur in a business like presented. It is a conceptual video, presenting some concepts. If you like and want to know more, you can ask and then be given access to what's after the video, which isn't necessarily just a meeting, but more info about what LTD does with and for Amway on the same site. We want to "filter" a prospect and that is to simpy find out if they want to know more and say YES. In the end it helps find out, without wasting time, Who is looking for our opportunity. The next step in "the filter" is the prospect saying they want to know more and the IBO gives them that access and after filtering the prospect asks to know more and goes to a meeting(another filter, which straight up says how we make money with Amway) I really wish I could explain it right.
I just want to say that, in my opinion, there is no scam with LTD, Amway. The way some people present LTD and or Amway and how it is perceived "in the first look" can seem strange to someone if they don't really know all the facts. I felt the same way, but I had Faith in the person who told me about the opportunity that she knew her stuff. The meeting presents the business plan to a person who has said YES, I want to know more, I like what I saw on the links you sent me and I want to know more, and there you go--You find out what you wanted to know and that is how to make money as an IBO. Really it can't be explained fully in one post or in one hour and it takes time to learn the "philosophy and the process" I don't want my time wasted and neither does a prospect so we filter...I heard about Amway because I wanted to buy vitamins from my friend because i spent a lot of money elsewhere on vitamins and she said she loved hers. I couldn't wait to know more! I wanted to know it all right then and there and i was close enough with my friend that she had time to explain some things to me without filtering me because all i wanted was the vitamins, until I saw what else I Wanted to buy and that I could get a discount and make money and get my family better products at a better cost(and still make money?) It just made sense to get paid to buy from my business and get paid for it. I sold to my family at my retail price, quality, safe, organic, money back guarantee products, that I loved and now they love. Yes, I share the opportunity, and I tell people what they want to know, what they ask to know, if I have the time, but a business plan and a success system "LTD" cannot completely be explained in a short time. It's learned..
I have been to a few of the meetings...I don't believe that it is a scam...but it truly is a pyramid...I have seen the outline first hand.
LTD is corrupt. After the first response to this, I was infuriated. The guy says that anyone who puts any effort into LTD will be successful(I am paraphrasing). That is garbage. One of my best friends started working with LTD over 5 years ago. He was so determined and optimistic. He just knew that in a few months he would be financially independent and soon would be wealthy. He invested all of his time and the little bit of money he had into LTD. He quit doing the things he enjoyed most, like basketball Wernesday night, ultimate frisbee Thursday night and flag football on Saturday morning. He quickly got out of shape. He didn't even have time to hang out, go to parties or to the movies because all of his free time was involved in LTD. it consumed his work and he soon lost his job. He turned off all of his friends because he pushed "his business" too hard. He eventually decided his friends were not real friends because we didn't want to be involved in his business. He turned away every date he had because he pushed LTD on first dates and to girls he just met. Soon he found himself alone, living in his car that was old and barely drivable. He goes for days at times without a good meal. As his friends we have tried to help him. Any money we or his parents have given has been quickly lost, usually squandered on LTD. In over 5 years of working with LTD, the only incoming money he has seen has been from returns from what he had purchased with his own money. He pushes the anyway products on us, but we can buy them cheaper elsewhere. He speaks to everyone he meets about LTD. He approaches strangers he thinks might be interested but he never has any success. People are so turned off by this. I have been friends with him for over 18 years now and I remain his only long term friend. But myself and his family remain worried. LTD has destroyed his life. He is a shell of his former vibrant self. Once he was normal. He was confident, attractive, smart and capable. Now he is pathetic. I have seen how the people at LTD treat him, they act as if he is a star, filling his head full of unrealistic hopes but really they are just looking for money. It is sad.
There is a psychological princinpal that once a person commits or invests in something, wether it be a physical, financial, emotional or other type of investment, that person will commit to it even more. The more they invest, the more they will commit. They will justify their commitment and not want to believe it is wrong. This is the case with my friend. When he first encountered LTD he was unsure. He gave a small commitment and then a larger and larger commitment despite seeing no returns. Little by little he was sucked in and now he is so committed that he thinks LTD is the best despite the fact that he has not profited from LTD and it has ruined his life.
He has given 110% of his effort, so the person saying that anyone will succeed if they put time and effort in is wrong. Please do not believe these people! Stay away! Surely these corrupt people will burn in the afterlife. If you are involved in LTD, stop and think. Reflect on the promises made when you joined and where you are now. Is it really worth it? Are you really going to make enough money from it to justify the time effort and money you put in?
I was an IBO for 12 years, I still get my bonus check from Amway. I am still a registered IBO...I have mixed feelings as I read through these comments. Reason being, I did actively build the business for years...and I don't mean call one person a month build it, I mean personally sponsored over 70 legs and guest spoke around the country, went Founders Emerald in the opportunity. My best month was more than $50,000...take home. I learned a ton about myself, people, the world etc... So I do not regret my time doing it, because of the personal growth I went through. At the peak in my career my income was 12,000 to 20,000 a month. Again, cash taken home. Product sales were probably on my team I believe it was over a million or so. It does work, the money can be there. Here is the truth of it...if you cannot keep building your teams the money starts to go away. The teams start to come unraveled. Legs fall out of qualification. There are many if not all emeralds and diamonds that have to rebuild legs that fall out of platinum qualification. really a job. Sorry for all of you amway/ltd people, you are not good at hearing the truth. But, it is a job at night and on the weekends after you work your full time job. I hated the fact that I was a christian and truth was distorted quite a bit. You aren't free, as they say. You have a labor intensive schedule that you must keep up or you are treated badly. By badly I mean, ignored when you do show or manipulated with third person stories from stage to try to get you to fall in line...if you didn't fall in line then they would use the phrase "wild duck", meaning you don't behave as the leaders expect you to. Do alot of these people have good intentions? Sure they do. But what happens to most of these people is they get used to the money and even when they are treated badly they don't speak up for fear of not being talked good about or the fear their team will lose edification and they teach you that edification is like pixie dust on your group. So they all become yes men. Which is sad. I had one of my leaders stand up to my upline emerald who was belittling him about his teaching style, my platinum said, I don't work for you! I am self employed!! To which my self absorbed ego manic upline shouted back at him, "that's why you will never be a diamond, how about I just take you off the board". The board means show the opportunity from stage at the weekly info session. Today our residual checks are from Amway only and I make 1,500 a month. Sad. I got so tired of the belittling nature of some of the puffed up upline I had. It went on for years. It wasn't Christlike behavior. I have zero problem with making money or people being blessed. But, if you need to take time off for a family crisis...then you are just a quitter in their eyes...again, not Christlike love. I have a solid income outside of amway income so I didn't get stuck or trapped into having to do what they all wanted me to do. Is there good people in it? Absolutely, I have dealt with them. Some of the sweetest people I know. But...also, some of the most cold, manipulating, ego maniac, approval addicted people I know. I am not actively building it any longer and I can say not one person in my upline has called just to are you? But if I called my sponsor today and said hey, I am back buding it, I just sold a lip gloss!!! I would be their new best friend again. So you decide.
I was an active ibo to over 7yrs. Moved up the ranks quickly in leadership but once I got behind "closed doors" I found out the truth. Manipulative, lying, egotistical yes men. After spending THOUSANDS on products, meetings, travel, teaching tools etc. losing friends and family bc I was told to let go of the "negative" people. I told my husband it was me or the business. He finally let it go...the marraige failed and we were used as a teaching lesson that "God took his hand of protection off of us"for quitting. Turns out my husband was using the business to live a double life and getting out of the business and that marraige has been the best blessing of my life. I pray that anyone considering the business has the truth revealed to them. Sometimes I cry about the people who are still in this cult. It destroys lives and it's heart breaking to watch. It took years for me to "detox" after leaving...I hope you make the right choice!
we live in a country where you can chose to live how you want. Doing a MLM is like a job. If you dont put in the work you get NOTHING back. A job you can do enough not to get fired and get your check in two weeks. Now you say MLM are a pyramid . Our jobs are a pyramid to. There your boss and then managers and maybe some other people above you. everyone is not on the same level so when you look at written down it a Pyramid.
We all know many will listen or wait until someones else do something before they do it.
I have family involved in this group and it's totally a scam. We can't get through to them though. They enjoy spending 150$ for a weekend plus plane tickets. They make a little money selling some acai berry juice, but that's it. It's a total scam. Anyone that defends TEAM is a member of TEAM. Mostly liked hired by TEAM to monitor forums like this one.
All i have to say is, LTD is not a scam! It is a legit business who has an A+ by the Better Business Bureau. To be blunt, the ones who are saying its a scam either talked to a sketchy person or meeting, are the ones who want money but are too lazy to do anything, or have so ambition what so ever. And will someone explain what they think a pyramid scheme is? please tell me! I would love to see you make a fool of yourself!
Also, to those who say its a "cult" you obviously have never been around a REAL team of people who want you to succeed. Obviously you have never been around positive people. You must work at a job where your around negative people who care about themselves, or maybe that is you!
I am Proud to be an IBO! I am proud to be part of LTD! LTD has changed my mindset, my attitude, and my life! They taught me how to be a business owner! I make money, because I take ownership of my business and put actual effort into it, and I partner only with sharp, coachable, ambitious people. I most definitely wouldn't have talked to some of the people commenting on here.
For all those who "stop trolling the internet" for information, the reason I am trolling because that is the only place to get information. I received an e-mail saying that my resume had been reviewed. BS. No one looked at my resume, they merely pulled my name of a job site and sent out an e-mail. No where in the e-mail did they state what they did. No where on the site that I was directed to did they say what they did. That required me to fill out a form, which I do not do willy nilly. It was emphatically stated numerous times that this was NOT A MLM business. By my definition it clearly is. I decided long ago that I was not interested in MLM. It is a proven sales model, but not for me. To not say what they are up front is deceptive. All I ask is that orgs are up front about what they are. I consider deception in recruitment an indicator of how they do business as well. So I will never work for an organization that uses these techniques. What you do is up to you,IMO you should at least know what you are getting into.
I attended one of their meetings last night thanks to a douchebag co-worker whom i believed set me up! I thought I was going to meet this lady for a one on one interview not a cult meeting!! So I play along and sat in the front row. By the way this lady was weird and totally fake I doubt she was even married to her so called "husband." They set this meeting up so it seemed "cool" and whatever with "cool music" and a "cool" speaker. This speaker spent twenty minutes talking about this elaborate "cool" and "funny" joke. I'm like get to the fucking point dude! Most of the people in the room were going along with it and laughing at all his "funny" jokes like robots. So I told my recruiter( i asked her in the beginning if she was one and she said no, lies!) I wanted to speak to her outside ( I knew this was a scam) and she got all weird and nervous and said she was not getting up! So by this time my heart was racing and I'm like Oh god I need to get out of here! I was trying to be nice and to not embarrass her in front of these people. So i finally told her I was getting up and leaving and once again she got real nervous and checked her phone to see what time it was. I could tell she was freaking out inside that robot head of hers!! So I got up in the front row in the middle of this guys never ending jokes and got the fuck out! These people are legal scam artists!! And I too felt like I was at a cult meeting!! You have been warned!!
The guy who talked to you and your mom about a "job", if that's what he did, was wrong. I'm involved with LTD and have NEVER heard anyone teach to mislead a person with the offering of a "job". The video which you refer to, never mentions making a ton of money. It does mention that this opportunity does require honest effort. So, your rant here is misleading and a lie. Tell the truth. Perhaps the opportunity wasn't for you, or you didn't work it in such a way, or for long enough, to produce your desired results. But at least be honest.
I'm curious of how many of you ever owned a business? Do you have any idea how much money it would take to do that? Doubtful. Sure some of the things you pay for elicit a "seriously" response but generally the (optional) materials can be borrowed from your Upline (He/she that helped get you in the business) The only real purpose for purchasing these materials from LTD is if you want to help educate your Downline (he/she that you bring in the business) in their businesses. Now in reference to this whole "Pyramid Scheme" concept, I wonder if any of you even know what that actually is? Let me break it down for you. We obviously know what it looks like, a sort of family tree depiction, at least pictographically, minus one person at the top. Now the thing that makes a it the "Pyramid" is that no-one can make more than the person at the top, and those below that can't make more than them etc.. Now do you realize that every employment situation is like that? Let me say that again, do you realize that EVERY EMPLOYMENT SITUATION IS A PYRAMID SCHEME? Why? Simple are you the CEO? Didn't think so. Can you become the CEO? Didn't think so. Do you follow what I am saying? This business isn't a Pyramid Scheme, trust me I checked. Now I noticed that many of you have spoke on the concept of greed and that is all this is being done for and nothing more. But I want you to think of something, do you personally know any of these people you are bashing? These people to whom you are assuming the traits to their character? No. To the initial person who posted about the informational session I apologize for your experience. I cannot say why this occurred nor will I make an excuse for it, because their is none. This business was never forced on me, I chose it because I recognized an opportunity, one better than the five or six other things I've tried like this, when I saw one.
To the original Poster I am not sure what the gentleman spoke to you about or what the situation was because I wasn't there. But it doesn't mean you attack something just because a forum full of ignorant people(meaning lacking in knowledge, which is the actual definition of the word)told you it was a certain way and you choose to believe it. If you go in with preconceived notions they will inevitably cloud your judgment and that is all you will see. Before you start listening to ignorance do your actual homework, like looking up what the Better Business Bureau(BBB) says about it? If you are going to do homework be thorough. For your own sanity, hmm?
I went to a weekly meeting to see what this was all about, as I was asked to attend by a friend. The speaker turned me off when he said everyone could use their Facebook to connect with potential people who might be interested in joining you and said that anyone with less than 500 friends was a 'Loser'. My wife was an IBO for 10 years before we met, and she lost an average of $4,000-$5,000 per year attending weekly meetings, attending the quarterly functions, buying tapes, books, monthly internet access, ect. It was ridiculous. I attended some of the functions and you hear the same thing at each one. There is not training involved, they make them last way too long each day(the whole weekend could have been wrapped up in a 6 hour session). It is amazing to watch all of these people stand in linee at the doors to the buildings, waiting for hours to be the first to enter and get a front row seat. Once you have attended one 'Function', you have seen everything. Go run your business. You know enough to go out and do it on your own. By attending the functions, bying the books, cd's, etc., you are making your uplines money and not you. I am sure there are people that make money at this, but they are very few. If it is not working for you, get out. They do make the atmosphere at the functions seem like a cult. The belittle people if they think of getting out. They try to brainwash you with the pictures of success. Don't beleive everything you see and hear. All I can say is be on your guard.
Well said. Honesty nailed it perfectly. Makes me wonder who u are.
Speaking of lies, can you show me where LTD has a BBB rating of A+?
I am Anonymous from July 29, 2013. Thank you for your comments. I tried to tell it as I saw it. I find it hard to believe that you have people on this site defending this operation and saying that most of this stuff doesn not happen. Every time there was a 'Diamond' speaker come on stage, they would show slides of their cars, homes, vacations, etc. just to get people thinking they could have the same thing. Everyone always stood up when the speakers entered the stage and were treated to loud roars of applause and yelling. I wonder if the uplines tell these folks that they have to do that. It is ridiculous. You do hear teh same thing at each 'Function' that the next 'Function' is the one you do not want to miss. In my opinion, you are not missing a thing. You can do this business without all of these weekly meetings and quarterly functions. And they do have the Nightowls at these. I never went because I would not play that game and stay up all night. It was already midnight when they ended the days session and I thought that was about 6 hours too long, so I was not staying any later. Besides, I was already angry at sitting there all day and not learning a thing except how stupid some people can be. To watch what appear to be educated people, twirl their hands above their heads and in unison, yell out, 'Flush that Stinkin' Job' to these speakers, just amazes me. It is a cult type atmosphere and I think most everyone has already been taken in by it. From Illinois.
I just got LTD scammed on a date with a girl. She briefly brought up that she owned her own business when we were out on our first date. I was actually impressed. Quickly after the first date, she seemed still interested and wanted me to come meet her "mentor" at some conference he was hosting about how to "escape the cube" and "define your future". Needless to say, I started to become skeptical...but she was hot so I went along to hear the spill with small hopes that I was overreacting. I wasn't. Everything there was so weird and sensational that it made me sick to know people actually fall for this crap. The numbers they were posting up on the presentation about how much you would earn were so ridiculous. They didn't even follow the widely accepted rules of Math as the calculations they posted didn't equate to the revenue they were boasting (please tell me someone else noticed that?). NBC actually did an expose on this company and found 99.9% of people actually don't find the wealth that is promised. However, I concede that maybe you can be the .1%. As for me, the girl was hot but I can't even fake respect someone who would fall for such a blatant pyramid scheme. In the end, I didn't sign up for anything (obviously) but I did lose $60 for buying dinner on our first maybe her business model actually does work?
i just started the business two months ago and its seems pretty legit... i dont really like going to all the info sessions mainly because its all repetative and boring.... but i did make about 450 my first month and still making money.... its a good business from what i see and does make some money.. im not looking to make millions out of it, just some side money. and i do honor a "real job" because im going to school to become a mechanical engineer.. but like i said i paid 150 to get in and in the first month i made 4 times that amount in cash... so im happy, but i am keeping my guard up.
ive done amway for 6 months to the childish "adult" that claimed listening to all their stories is the same your wrong. first yes they all relate to earning income second they are not the same stories they give you hints and if you were not blind by your ego and pride youd take them with a grain of salt but most of you are probably lazy americans. im american live in iowa worked so many different jobs and they are all the same no real promotions and no real common goal except what the boss wants. my upline josh is prolly the most inspiring person i have ever met everyone has there stories but stories sell. LTD is called Leadership TEAM development. they are just tools used by many different companies besides amway. Amway is multi marketing and they chose green products because they are good for you. instead of those fat burger you slam down your throat from mcdonalds and burgerking. i have made a total of 1000$ in the past 4 months from them. hell they are even giving a few cars away from Honda at a golf event this year. go ahead bad mouth them cause you spent 200$ risk free for 6 months and prolly got it back. you know why they do that? because your 200$ and shitty attitude dont matter to there 57 year DEBT FREE 20 BILLION dollar company. look idc what you or your fiance are doing but when i got to listen to john maxwell one of the greatest political and motivational speakers in the world for 150$ i was pretty impressed. they tell there stories like bill gates but then i assume you think that hes a scam too. the business is great for side income and if your the few 10% you could live off of it but amway DOES NOT make you change your life. its a choice but go ahead join the other 95% of people who work work work and dont climb at all except for like a dollar a year. im proud to be an IBO and to invest my time in productive business and not cheap food and tv everynight after work. the biggest thing we go for is no because none of us wanna waste time on some negative people like you and the only reason im writing this is cause im looking for some other LTD companies and came across this wasted forum. after this post i wont post again cause im sure i hurt your "fire" cool talk about this all year on the internet haha waste your time before you go back to your $7.50 an hour job or lie and tell everyone you make more an hour but you work for people your basically bitching about. you compalin about being under them but they give you a chance to go farther than them. this company is ragged on alot because you thought it was easy income nobody said the job was easy atleast i never heard that i heard its easy when you actually try but then again you prolly didnt try. its people like you that make the world wonder why to still try you bring others down cause it didnt work you and all for what? to make yourself feel better. maybe if you set some dam goals in your life you wouldnt be in this position. you are where you are because of who YOU are and if you want it to change your gonna have to change something. that last sentance was not from an amway IBO i heard it from a bum on the street and you can laugh whatever but that guy is prolly one of the most wisest people i ever heard from and he doesnt have shit but a sleeping bag under a bridge but he said that to me when i was having a bad day. Dont blame amway for YOUR fuck up BLAME YOURSELF for not trying. GOOD Night AMWAY haters....
Im 23 I made 4k last month. It works lol.
its a scam and a cult. I was brainwashed for almost a year. take my word for it. if your hear LTD or Amway, RUN.
I just signed up even though I feel the exact same way. I guess its cuz if I didn't try or don't I won't be credible as a source idk. I'm gona give it a go. But I'm gona tell it to people in a way I feel comfortable, no bs. Thank you for the post,.
Cool post. It is a business. And you have to sell products. I agree the info sessions aren't for me either. But I like the rhodiola and energy bars. I've lost 6lbs. But that I can attest to, what I can't do is lie through my teeth to people. So I'm coming up with a plan to ask my friends if Theres 50$ a month that they can spend on the products I'm selling, without hurting they're lifestyles. Cuz I face it, that my friends don't make millions, but were not fake. We like a beer, jet skis, fishing and bonkers fires. So I think if done with integrity to ones self, it can generate some reward over time.
Not a cult. Have you ever had a safety meeting at work? Feels unnecessary for operation. LTD is a safety meeting. You can hate it, say its stupid, hate the company for having them, you can be the guy who asks a bunch of questions, skip em and be productive, take in every word and be as knowledgeable as the safety director and get fired or be successful. Etc.. ltd is there to help, for the most part but its not necessary for a successful sales business through amway. I've just registered recently and have a pretty cool upline but I'm not a Disney character. Maybe someday I will be, but I'm doin this from a sales perspective because I believe there are, at least so far, a couple products I like and can market. I'm not stupid or blind. I'm not doing this for a substantial instant income. My goal is five years from now ile be making as much from marketing select amway products, as I am making from my job now. I spend 100$ a month on amway products. On the couple of products I enjoy using regularly. Maybe itl expand,., And its in my minds eye that others might do the same too, even though I've been suggested to spend more, and get people, and give them my contacts. I said with all do respect, no. And that was that. I have one up line that I talk with daily as a friend now, and even tho our business practices differ quite a bit, we still have likenesses that keep us, what I call down to earth. So to each their own I guess.
i was recruited recently and it did seem fishy. i decide not to continue with the second meeting after finding out that the guy who had my number and gave it to the recruiter hadn't just mentioned my name in conversation. he just pulled my name off his phone's contact list and picked me at random. the recruiter guy did the same thing with me and to me he would feed that guy the same line he fed me. at that point i was out and a little pissed off that he basically lied to me.
Not to mention that they really do sell the products of the big companies they name-drop to lure you in. they just sell those crappy amway product.
...and also why would huge companies like apple, best buy, and bass pro shop need to pay some middle man to sell their products? Product they all ready sell in there store and on there websites. JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE AND FEEL AND AWFUL LOT LIKE A PYRAMID SCHEME TO ME!
I usually don't comment on forums like this but reading through this was actually entertaining and positively insightful about how people think. The truth is most people that have posted here are really in the same place and are biased one way or the other. Those that are pro-Amway/LTD think anyone against it is uninformed and clueless and that everyone should pursue life the way they are. They feel their way is the best and those that don't pursue what they are pursuing aren't quite as smart and informed. The truth is you are kind of out of touch with how people think. Those that are anit-Amway/LTD think that anyone in that business is an idiot and part of a scam. Both sides are really in the same place. You are diametrically opposed to the other side of thinking. Very few comments on here actually have an open mind. I spent quite a few years building an Amway business with LTD and BWW. It was a very positive experience and I made a lot of money. I personally chose to step away to pursue philanthropic endeavors that I felt were more important for my life and left my business to my upline. I have the highest respect for my friends that are still in Amway/LTD. People make those kind of decisions every day and they aren't stupid decisions. The feelings are mutual and those friends respect my decision.
For most people on this forum that are posting your opinions to try to convince the other side to come to your way of thinking, you are wasting your time. If you are not a part of Amway/LTD, spend your time pursuing your plan for your life and actually go make a lasting impact on someone's life around you in the best way that you see fit. Don't waste your time here trying to convince others of your "expert" opinion. For those of you that are a part of Amway/LTD, get off this forum and go build your businesses respectably. This forum is a waste of your time. Posting on this forum is not going to convince anyone to change their mind. Go build it the right way, go make a lot of money. The opportunity is there.
The truth is everyone makes decisions for themselves based on data that is right in front of them. Both sides need to actually stop and think about that and quit arguing about this and go be productive. With that, I have things to do to make an impact on this world. I have nothing else to say here.
Your sponsor made a big mistake by sponsoring you, because you're a moron. I wonder how you will feel when you see your crosslines and uplines couple years from now.
Just as an FYI, it's 2015 and it's still around and partnered with Amway who is an 11.8 BILLION dollar company. The Coaches Poll Trophy that was "retired" (crystal ball) for the winner of the NCAA football BCS has Amway's name on it now. Retired, is in quotes because the trophy is still active and was just presented to OSU just last week on campus (as the CFP trophy is presented on TV). Pretty Sure the NCAA, deans of all 161 DI schools, their attorneys, the Coaching staff, and so on have a little more insight and did their du-diligence a lot better than you have who think it's a "scam" or "fishy". A+ BBB rating and the FTC is also proved them to be legal and not a scam and a real functioning company. Amway, is just like any other business; Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon, etc. However, the IBOs, are PARTNERED with Amway. Hence why the "Amway business model" shows what's called an MLM. Sorry to burst your bubbles here but a company that's been around for over 55 years (probably longer than you've been alive), patterned with the NCAA, and makes $11.8 Billion isn't a scam. You probably find it scammy because it's not a traditional method of business (which is why Amway stands for the "American Way"; Because Americans always did things differently than the rest of the world). BTW Nick. I should probably show this to the FBI about your comments about using Federal agents to investigate a company and try to shut it down. That comment of yours is a federal crime guilty of 25 to life or worse...
Have a nice day :)
You are 100% correct. thus is what happens to the majority of people. they lose tons of money, are broken down mentally and physically from the exhaustive work to manipulate and trick enough people into this scam. I had my up line once tell me as I laid out my 20k debt in front of him after 2 years, that "it's okay, I went into 30k debt before I went platinum, just stay the course." rubbish! they have ruined so many lives and will latch into any weakness you have and try to be your best "friend", but will tell you to avoid your real friends who are broke or have kids or are struggling to make ends meet! real people that need extra income! they also told me to avoid non whites on several occasions unless they had a lot of money. these people are going to hell.
Here's the A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau:
To anyone who believes that this training and development program is a scam of any sort, please review and research credible sources prior to posting.
People by human nature are lazy. Some overcome this challenge and go on to be successful in life's endeavors others however develop a victim mentality. As a victim everyone and everything is out to keep them from being successful, steal their money or what ever. They criticize what they don't understand to keep from damaging their own delicate egos. It's the " I cant do it so no one else can syndrome" Had I ever stopped to listen to even one of these people I wouldn't be where I am today. In the information age we live there are plenty of reliable resources out there to discover what Amway really is and what its not. Being around this business for the past 25 years I can tell you this its a unique opportunity for those who are willing to put in the effort to change their financial future for the positive. All that being said the Amway business is not for everyone and that just a fact of life. Those who can do it and those who can't write nasty stuff on blogs about it.
Yikes. Lots of heated debate here. I think it’s all a matter of perspective. Some people are really turned off by multi-level marketing and others aren’t. If you found this article while looking for reputable leadership development programs though, I’ll add this article about why leadership development programs fail.
Don't do it. Ask any educated person not affiliated with them to look over it with you. These companies target people who are hard up for cash. They probably told some of the new recruits to comment on this page about how great of an opportunity LTD is...
I get kind of offended when people ask me to be part of these things. Their intro and everything is always the same.. "I can meet up with you and give you more information in person, its too complicated to text..." That is NOT a newly aquired business skill, it's just shady.
If this is not a scam why did my daughter get messaged on facebook by someone who's profile says they work at the same palce of buisness I do and when I checked our global directory he does not exist? I cannot say if this is a scam but I would NEVER do business with anyone who wants me to pay them to do it.
Anything associated with Amway is a scam...that is common knowledge....LOLOLOLOL....I've never met someone from Amway in my entire life that wasn't a hustler or a scammer.
All these people trying to defend this COMMON KNOWLEDGE scam are hilarious...
So speaking of multi-billion dollar companies......if money makes you legit.....guess how much money ISIL has.....
Life leadership is , scamming people at barnesNobles in cali, and starbucks. They are literally worshiping money , an risking their own lives stealing from innocent people. This guy Curtis spolar is a bitch and will get caught slippen , and will repay with his life and money all that he has stolen . there are all these life leadership vids on youtube and we all need to post bad about these scammers
Awesome show of Ignorance. It's multi level marketing. It works. Actual fees are $60.00 a year I believe. Did you know you get 20% off your AT&T cell phone bill a year just for being an IBO so guess what???? If you did nothing absolutely nothing but buy for yourself the products you wanted and got cash back basicaly as commission and you added up savings on your cell phone bill you actually still get paid $60-120.00 a year in just one bennifit for your $60.00 registration fee. the $200.00 buys you products and training material. You get cleaning supplies energy drinks meal bars etc etc its not a scam but you have to be a thinker, have a business mans mind, an owners mind set. If you have a pay by the hour mentality you wont make it with any multi level marketing group. Mary Kay Avon etc etc. They work but require a lot of work and an open mind. I did amway in college under Quixtar I got out bc of Time same thing later
A lot of y'all are really angry for the poster of this post I'm also on Gary Team if you could meet up with me that would be great I live in Greensboro my number is 336-587-4940
To call Amway a scam is ignorant. LTD may be a better fit for the word scam, but I would rather consider their model a complex "hustle". There is truth to a lot of the comments on here-the group meetings are led by less than impressive "entrepreneurs" struggling to provide a quality presentation (I ASSUME they are learning business through LTD), the word entrepreneur is thrown around this model in an effort to gain excitement- buying into a MLM program DOES NOT make you an entrepreneur, there definitely is a cult feeling to the groups, the LTD model is confusing to intelligent people but the suckers will fall for it, the inspirational speaking only discusses the amount of money being made but no real strategy to the earnings, the creators of LTD are getting rich off the hopes of others buying into this hustle, you're encouraged to buy a lot of LTD material making the LTD creators rich, the approach to gaining new IBO is a psychological methodology for those "stuck " in life to be "free" and "not work"-you will hear the god of LTD speak and constantly repeat "I have no job", the god seems to live his life based on the 7 deadly sins-being humble must be a challenge for him..... AND DID I MENTION IT FEELS LIKE A CULT MIXED OF RELIGION AND 12 STEP? A few months ago I decided to give this a try because 1) Amway has been around forever 2) a friend whom I DID trust and respect brought it to my attention 3) I was told I don't have to sell 4) I was told the stories of how these people are "free" and filthy rich (a lot of the rich people were rich to begin with. Having money to start creates an easier con to gain members). I come from a heavy sales background and understand MLM very well. To say I was intrigued by the idea I could make good money within 3 years from a MLM program without actually selling is an understatement. After attending just a few meetings I submitted a refund request and cancelled my IBO MEMBERSHIP. In order to sell the Amway products you must have a large network of individuals with solid earnings. The Amway product line, as good as it is, is way over priced. They have exclusives that could definitely come to the IBO at a better price, one being XS Energy. You will hear reps say this is the #2 energy drink in global sales. I call BS, it's not even in the top 10 in US sales, I've done my research. The vitamins and nutraceuticals also have much more margin to be handed out to IBO and are way overpriced when compared to similar quality through big box. One theory LTD works with is changing your spending habits. The theory is to change your way of purchasing and utilize the Amway products and their partnerships to buy your consumer goods. If you buy just a few hundred dollars of product a month, and mirror that process through your down lines, you should start seeing revenue--1 major problem, nobody needs to order what Amway offers on a monthly basis. So either you will throw money away with hopes of seeing a return, or you will have to sell your excess inventory. At the end of the day you are very much selling. You have to sell the Amway model and the LTD model to prospective IBO, you will have to sell the goods to consumers in an effort to meet certain customer targets in order to qualify for bonuses. With LTD you will initially start SELLING the program and/or products to friends and family. They actually have you make an a,b,c list of contacts to hit first. A lot of what was presented from my "upline" was false, far fetched and a complete lie to start.
MaryKay, MLM company & successful business. Many people became successful & love the products. On the flip some failed.
Amway, MLM company & successful business. Many people became successful & love the products. On the flip some failed.
Avon, MLM company & successful business. Many people became successful & love the products. On the flip some failed.
... many more... There are good ones and bad ones.. There are sucky people associated and good people associated with it. Just like your job, college and families. It is what it is.
Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, billionaire Warren Buffett, etc. have positive things to say. AND on the other hand there are people who have negative things to say! THAT'S LIFE! Not everyone likes you! Sorry to break it to you. Not everyone likes me. Not everyone likes America. Come on.
When did we become such group thinking cowards one way or the other. If my best friend is in an MLM it DOES NOT mean I have to be involved or be a customer! (This is my situation) I let them do their thing and clear on my feelings about it. And just because a bunch of trolls say it's a scam doesn't mean it is. Google "College conspiracy" Entire documentaries and blogs dedicated to proving college is a scam. Are you going to drop out? or not go? Maybe, they have some points but don't just blindly go one way or the other. Use your stinkin branin and make your own choice! Anyways I have some friends associated and some not, so what, I'm not knocking what people do. That's that, we are mature enough to have that. In HS my girl friend had a teammate whose parents were millionaires in Marykay. Now MK is an established reputable company, for some, not for some. Has doubters, has successful distributors. Get the point?
Seriously people, it's for some people, not for others. If someone offers & you don't want it, tell them no thanks. If they are pushy, they are poorly trained & tell them kindly hey dude don't be pushy and you'll probably be more successful. It's time for America to stop whining about what they don't like and grow up. Everyone has different opinions on everything just relax and realize the best way to move forward is to get info, opinions and personal exp on whatever food, company, org, diet, WHATEVER you want to be apart of and critically think for yourself what's right for you and your family.
Amway isn’t a scam. It’s one of the biggest and most successful MLM’s in the world.
Multi-level marketing is not a scam. It’s a very effective way to make money if you enjoy sales and training other people to sell.
That’s where Amway ends and LTD begins. LTD is not Amway. It’s a completely separate organization that has two basic missions. One mission is to train people how to build an Amway business. The other is to lead people to Christ. Once you join and attend your first weekend conference, you’ll see how these two missions become intertwined.
LTD is a fairly large organization made up of a very homogeneous group of people. Virtually everyone in it is conservative and Christian. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with being those things, but if you’re not those things, you’ll likely not feel very warm and fuzzy about it.
There are costs associated with signing up as an Amway IBO. Those costs are required and quite minimal.
There are higher costs associated with participating in the LTD system. Those costs are NOT required. However, the system is set up to allow for duplication of success. You’ll be told that if you’re not following the same system as everyone else, you can’t be mentored effectively. In other words, the costs are not technically required, but they’re necessary. They are also continual and ongoing.
As long as you participate in the system without actually building an Amway business, you’ll be spending more than you make. LTD will say this is delaying gratification while investing in yourself. That’s only true if you eventually start building your Amway business. Many people do not do that. They spend thousands of dollars on books, CDs and function tickets, but never sell any Amway products. Then they realize the hole they’ve dug and call foul on LTD.
LTD will not build your business for you. They’ll try to motivate you and everyone you bring along with you. They’ll sell themselves to you as being absolutely necessary to your success. They’ll tell you that you don’t dare miss a weekend function, as each one is a “life-changing” event. Actually, they’ll say missing any meeting is a missed opportunity to hear that one small nugget of wisdom that you may need to become fully engaged. They will focus 90% on attitude, belief and dream-building, 10% on the mechanics of the business model. They’ll tell you things like “if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”
It’s up to you to decide whether or not to buy into LTD. The system does work for some people. But to be sure, succeeding in Amway following the LTD plan takes a tremendous amount of effort, as it would with any other business plan. You may be told in the beginning that this is something you can do in your “spare time”. What that truly means is 6-7 nights a week for many years.
The bottom line is, don’t mistake participation in LTD’s functions and purchasing their support materials for actively building a business. If you’re fully participating and spending money on the system, go all out in developing sales and sponsoring new IBO’s. You’ll need to achieve a pin level of around 1500-2500 to generate enough income to cover your costs, depending on what your personal sales are.
If you’re spending money on functions and materials but not making anything in return, that’s your fault, not LTD’s.
You’re not going to go diamond by simply changing your buying habits and teaching six other people to do the same. There’s a whole lot more to it than that.
If you’re a gay, liberal, tree-hugging, feminist hippie, LTD probably isn’t for you.
If you like Amway’s business model but don’t care for LTD’s system, contact Amway and let them know. If you’ve already signed up with a sponsor, you probably can’t change your line of sponsorship, but you can change your line of affiliation.
You can make money in Amway without LTD. Some people pick one product with a high mark-up and sell it exclusively. They may or may not even sponsor other IBO’s.
If you get involved, good luck either way!
Girl, check your sources before you post something. Your loss for not looking into it properly. They sell a ton of products. Maybe if you weren't in denial while they were presenting it to you the entire time, you would've seen that. Wow way to spread false accusations.
Im in Ltd. They put the up most importance on living a balanced lifestyle in work, relationships and finances. My first month I made $325 I only spent $30 because I eanted to try the products. Minus registration of amway and ltd. I was pretty busy gathering clients which was awesome because I did almost none of the work. I've consistently made 180 a month meeting the customer volume rule. I have not been consistant in activity and really building my business and not absorbing my skills through osmosis like most do. The business is hard but simple. Its hard because i've never ran a business which plays a major role in why most people fail if they admit it, but everyone has the opportunity to learn. But you only learn by doing. I'd like to know how your calendar looked throughout your time in Amway. Also did you apply the 9 core steps consistantly?
It's called research. You should look it up
Me too yay Go IBOs;) hard work pays off;)
Amen IBOs unite;)
How is it a scheme ur special, the people you were around sirry if you believe they are liars. But alot of my friends worked hard to no have a job. And truly have a steady flow of income. Sorry you enjoy your job. Freedom is real. It's multi level marketing like owning a Mcdonald. Many different owners it makes a "pyramid" McDonalds is a scam! Actually corporate job's have a CEO -presidents- Vice- Reginal managers- then managers- then assistant mangers &&& a bunch or worker then cleaning crew lol looks like a huge pyramid to me with 1 Ceo at the top that you can't be. In Amway(Products)/LTD(traning) you can be CEO & help others Climb the ladder with you!
Amen sister love it! LTD ;) I'M UNDER THE Lienigers whose your Diamond?
Me too yay Go IBOs;) hard work pays off;)
One of the contacts for this 'scams' phone # is 612-306-5412 he goes by Adam this is a scam. Cohorts goes by Bri Steigauf. Had an "Australian" accent and uses major brands to try and convince you. Do not give him money because he will ask you to pay for his company and he will ask for peoples phone numbers. Will give in depth information that is not real.
Ok I really am late to this but I've been doing Amway LTD for about 6 months. It is clear that you didn't speak about this to the right person. Throwing the system as a scam because of an amatore business man is the worst you can do and reading on the Internet from people that probably never made close to 60,000 a year in their lives is also the worst you can do. Why don't you research the people that have been successful in Amway and see what they do and I guarentee you that you won't find anything negative. It's sad that people pull down something that's great for everyone because they listen to the people that couldn't get off of their butts to do something and then wonder why their business wasn't successful. WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE expect? Success is hard not easy, if it was easy everyone would be successful. Also Amway has been around for 50+ years. If it was a scam it wouldn't have been around for so long and Apple and Bass Pro Shops and Nike and much more company's wouldn't partner with Amway if they were scammin people. And the question you seem to not be able to find because you tried sooo hard to find is that Amway sells basic commodity items like make up, cleaning products, skin care, energy drinks, and sports nutrition. This and including much more. You call it a scam but I don't see you successful so why should I listen to you. I have a personal friendship with the families of some successful people in Amway and they don't speak like this guy did. So one last thing; there's a reason why people like you will never know what you can do, because you go into life and want people to hold your hand. Grow a pair and make your own decisions. Amway is the best experience I have ever been apart of. I haven't lost any money from it to be honest I have made money, but there are some people in this world that don't know how to talk to people about this business which is why most people get sceptical about it
I've seen the Leadership Team Development videos, and have attended a few seminars and meetings. Never once did they tell me how much money LTD would make me. At the information session and seminars, they ALWAYS mention Amway, and go into detail about how money is made.Sounds like your post is possibly a scam. Which business opportunity are you a part of, since your disinformation blog is so off?
Wow someone didn't get their stuff straight or listen good. I was told from the start what they sell. You said they were partnered with bass pro and all the other stores. Check it out before you post stuff like this!
SCAM, don't do it. If you need more of a reason, then do it. You're an idiot.
Literally lost brain cells while reading this lol. "Technically according to the US government, LTD is a scam". Moron. Why would you post an opinion about a company you've never been associated/affiliated with? Not a single word in this article is valid or to be taken seriously. I laughed the entire time reading this. Stay broke, my friend.
Let me tell you the truth. Amway is a company which sells products. The systems was Ave me LTD or BWW any other system is where you end up spending the money and losing the money on various tools and seminars. Amway does not hold any meetings and sells quality products. On their website they teach you to sell products and use products however they do not tell you to spend money on tools which don't make any money. The only way you make money is by selling products either to yourself for personal use or to customers. When you sell a product or purchase a product for personal use from the Amway Corporation you get a Commission. If you sell to a retail customer, you will get the commission and a retail difference in the course of the product. Please do not mistake the corporation with the various systems. And please remember that you do not make money on purchasing tools or attending meetings or functions. The only way make products is by moving products. As far as the partner stores go. You will receive a commission on their products however it will not be as large as it would be with the Amway products. If you would like to take a look at the Amway opportunity, please go to and you will see how the Amway business works while not being attached to any system.
Learn how to speak English.
I'm under Ayers.
Im actually attending a meeting myself in Tennessee next week and idk why people give them a bad name because they are really trying to help you
Im actually attending a meeting myself in Tennessee next week and idk why people give them a bad name because they are really trying to help you
I am just another random voice on the internet. I could say "I'm a doctor/business major/mother of three/doctorate/the queen of Shiba" and it will mean diddly-squat. If you're like me and reading through all these posts because of insomnia maybe you have the same questions I did:
What good or service does LTD provide? Is it a resell agency? Doesn't Amazon already provide that with their seller links? Why use these videos?
Why is Walmart and McDonald's name-dropped so many times? Corporate branding is important, but I don't want a Big Mac By Mail.
The numbers of supposed pay go between the ranges of $600 per month to $50,000. I get it's depended upon how many tithes you have, but if you're making $50k why are you making annon posts on a really old board? Can't you have one of your Emeralds do it for you so you can get back to sipping that Margarita on the beach?
This company has been around for many, many years. If it's as big and widespread as advertised then everyone should have at least a friend or family member who has been involved with it? Ask around, trust people you know and not random strangers (Like 'Google' OR your uplink).
All I can say is your friends and family love you. Please come back home. You're not a failure if this doesn't work out. You're not lazy, and it's not wrong to dream big.
Lmao that's exactly what they tell you to say "Google is the bathroom of society." Gtfo
Lol You dont pay 200 you pay 150 or 175 hahahaha da fuk u somking ?? The person said that he was not sure what they sell and u said well they dont sell. You pay to understand how to make money in buying videos and tapes. Than you go to the site and company that was a perimid scam. Why be a middle man when u can just go to the sorce?
So if u make money from getting people to join than buddy that is a perimid scam.
Lmao look up the on youtube the john oliver MLM episode. Thats all I have to say.
This has got to be the worst example of Google translate I've ever seen. There's no way you aren't being paid to say good things about LTD, and there's little chance that you aren't sitting behind a desk in an overseas call-center-type building
You blew your chances away by searching up stuff and reviews don't you know everything out there has bad and good reviews and mad bloggers or people like you that are not really inform believe what they read online. LTD is much more than that and It's not even a job who calls it that anyway
Because network marketing has a lobby. The same reason every big company gets away with fraud. I'm no lawyer but I'd wager the ones for all those companies are aware of this because it's common practice. Harvard did a study that declaired we live in an Oligarchy... That's a fact. Amway has already been gone after and declaired all but a scam buy the government. They appear to be a network marketing company in a pretty loose sense. It's really all about selling the American dream now that brick and mortar is not an issue. Problem with that is it doesn't take into account some pretty shady economic predation.
Ethics are pretty important in buisness I'd argue. And if your starting out with dishonesty then where is trust suppose to come from?
The "Anonymous" person who posted JULY 25, 2009 AT 2:44 PM is correct.
I was part of Amway and LTD for many years. It sounds like a great opportunity- the chance to make an extra few thousand a month. For a time, I was successful in bring in IBO's, and making sales.
The uplines assist you in the beginning, but drop off quick to only work with the people that let Amway consume their lives and are bringing lots of people to the weekly meeting, where they provide a motivational speech and a sales pitch where they tell you of the people that have retired from Amway (Quixtar). Here is what they don't tell you. You make a commission off of the products that you sell, and your upline makes a commission from their downline's sales.
They want you to switch everything that you purchase, from toilet paper, to skin care, to their energy drinks, and buy only through their partners, or their own AMWAY brands. You then are pushed to have all of your family and friends switch over as well. Much of this is overpriced, but they push you to buy to accumulate "points" to put you in the next tier.
Most people do trying to make Amway work, because it's a few hundred dollars to sign up to become and Independent Business Owner.
You only really start making money as a Platinum, in which you have a pretty heavy downline. Those that reach the higher up levels - Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, the money that they are making is coming mainly from the commission sales of their downline, part of the reason why they encourage everyone to buy through Amway and it's partners only.
They tell you if you are "Serious" about being "successful" with Amway, Then you will attend the leadership conferences (4 times a year at 200+ more each), but the monthly CD's, get the leadership books, business cards, etc. All which the higher levels make a profit off of. These are additional monthly costs that add up greatly are not feasible for many of the downline, who they
cont'd....The percentage that make it to these top levels are minute in comparison to the thousands that are signed up as IBO's. The Diamond and Double Diamonds and the Founders Diamonds (they make 2 million plus) are the top level and brag about being "The Fellowship of the 1%".
I'm not downing building your business, or making money, but I do have issue with how they would treat their downlines. They would discourage people from continuing their education, or pursuing their own dreams if they were trying to build their own business, telling them, that they could do that later once they "made it" in Amway.
My biggest issue with Amway was that if you did not attend all of the functions, buy all of the CD's and literature, your upline would stop assisting you with growing your sales business, and work with those that were "serious about making it work", and that if you didn't find money to go to the conferences, than you were refusing to "overcome obstacles". There is a certainly euphora at these conferences. It's easy to see why people are "pumped" to get their businesses going after hearing nothing but success stories for three days straight from morning to night". It is almost cult like.
It didn't matter to them that these expenses didn't fit into your budget. They would say "don't eat out, or go to Starbucks" but had no response when you said that wasn't in your, or your downline's budget either. If you didn't buy into the LTD program, they didn't work with you in expanding your sales and assisting you with issues.
I know many people that have lived, breathe, slept, and let Amway consume their lives. Some are successful, but more often than not, the IBO's wind discontinuing the business, because they can't afford to continue to pay for overprice products, go to the weekly meetings and quarterly seminars, or simply, just weren't making the money that they are constantly told they were going to make. Anyone that quits is openly called a "loser" in the business. And it's not always a lack of ambition that people quit. Many of the folks that I know that have left pursued other endeavors and are very successful.
They spoke of being a "Band of Brothers" but they only held that standard to the people they felt were making it (large, profitable downline) in the business. I know several that quit for this reason, after finding out that their upline who "cared about them." wasn't there for them when push came to shove.
I learned a lot from LTD motivational speakers, (Chris Garner being a favorite), and I learned a lot from the Leadership team's book list. But you'll get the same knowledge by going to a personal or sales motivational seminar or reading books like "You're Best Life Now, or any of the Zig Zilar books on their booklist.
I'm sure Amway and LTD's turnover rate would lessen greatly, if they listened to the thousands that joined, and left for the about reasons. Instead of jeering at them, calling them losers, or telling them that they'll be broke with out Amway, they should take a moment to listen, and reevaluate how they treat their downline.
I figured I would post this for anyone in 2018/2019 still trying to do "Google research".
Some of the things I'd like to address from previous comments:
Amway does not charge you monthly to be an IBO. The $200 you pay up front covers your license to practice in all 50 states, coverage by Amway's insurance policy, 3 months with LTD, a starter kit (which is 100% optional), and your own website. The only recurring costs are the price of renewing your license for the year, and your monthly subscription to LTD, IF you choose to keep it. LTD is OPTIONAL. Does it make running a business 100 times easier? Yes! But you can figure out how to run a business without it if your heart desires.
There is zero risk when you sign up to become an IBO with Amway. Why is this so? You have a 90 day money back guarantee. 90 days to determine if this is something you enjoy doing.
Your upline does not make money off of you going to the conferences. What does the cost of your conference ticket cover? The venue and the staff. It's not cheap to rent a location that holds thousands of people. I'll admit, I was skeptical before I went to my first conference. I had no idea what to expect. You know what my sponsor told me? If I didn't learn anything of value, he would personally refund me the cost of my ticket out of his own pocket. Guess what? I learned A TON. I am beyond grateful that he urged me to attend.
Amway is not a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is where the person at the top is making all of his money off of the guys under him and you know what I personally call that? Corporate America. The money that my sponsor makes does not come out of the money that I make. Amway cuts him a check. Now, I find that more than fair. He helped teach me how to make money, he should absolutely be compensated. The more I get, the more he should get.
This business is what you make of it. If you treat it like a hobby, you will get paid like a hobby. If you treat it like a business, you will get paid like a business. I have the potential to make as much money as I want, it all comes down to how much work I'm willing to put in. Can you say the same for your 9 to 5 job?
Another thing that I read above is that people are out thousands upon thousands of dollars and I wish they explained HOW?! Sure, I'm out a couple hundred each time I attend a conference but I wouldn't call that a waste. I learn something new at each one I attend and I always come out an even better business owner. Not to mention the memories I get to make with my team are priceless. So, is it from sampling products out? Yeah I'm spending a few dollars each time I hand out a sample but those samples usually result in customers so I make that money back and then some. Plus, samples can be a tax write off if you document them properly. Did they buy thousands of products they didn't like? Because if that's the case, they have 6 months to return them for a full refund so that would just boil down to pure laziness. We don't keep stock, Amway handles inventory and ships directly to your customers so I'm just confused!
I don't know about you, but I personally have had to PAY for college tuition and textbooks. You are paying for educational material. It is a business that provides the best of the best training and mobile business apps IN A SPECIFIC business.
Check your source of information.
Would you rather ask questions and learn basketball from John Doe at the park downtown,
or from Michael Jordan, someone who clearly knows the game?
Learn for those who have actual experience AND success in the field.
That is correct! I'd rather spend my life building my own dream and vison over someone else's anyway. Though there may be a hand full of ways to do so- I chose the mlm route..
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